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Get all unique JSON key names with JQ




Is there a way to get all unique key names, without invoking a unique sort outside jq?

Example file:

{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
{"a": 4, "b": 5, "d": 6}

And jq and sort command as I use it now, but I think it's not so efficient:

jq -r keys[] example | sort -u                                                                               

like image 992
Sheldon Avatar asked Apr 23 '15 11:04


2 Answers

Two points:

  1. The original solution invoking jq and then sort is efficient, especially with respect to memory usage. (The solution involving the -s option effectively forces the entire file to be read into memory).

  2. jq's unique implies sort. That is, unique|sort should be simplified to unique to avoid sorting twice.

like image 164
peak Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 20:11


Of course.

$ jq -n '[inputs | keys[]] | unique | sort' input.json

Here's another option that may perform better as it doesn't require collecting the keys into an array.

$ jq -n 'reduce (inputs | keys[]) as $k ({}; .[$k] = null) | keys' input.json

Or perhaps, even better:

$ jq -n 'foreach (inputs | keys[]) as $k ({}; .[$k]+=1; if .[$k]==1 then $k else empty end)' input.json

And for larger files, you will want to stream them in anyway so use this variation:

$ jq --stream -n 'foreach inputs[0][-1] as $k ({}; .[$k]+=1; if .[$k]==1 then $k else empty end)' input.json
like image 44
Jeff Mercado Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 19:11

Jeff Mercado