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Get a Vim script's <SNR>



I'd like to call a function declared with script-scope (s:) in a sourced Vim script, without hard-coding the %d in call <SNR>%d_function() or exposing the function to the global namespace by modifying the plugin file itself. How can I retrieve its parent script's<SNR>, or script number, programmatically?

like image 610
sevko Avatar asked Jun 04 '14 01:06


2 Answers

You can retrieve a script's <SNR> by parsing the output of :scriptnames. The following function will do just that for either the script's full filename, or a fragment of it (as long as it uniquely identifies the one you want).

func! GetScriptNumber(script_name)
    " Return the <SNR> of a script.
    " Args:
    "   script_name : (str) The name of a sourced script.
    " Return:
    "   (int) The <SNR> of the script; if the script isn't found, -1.

    redir => scriptnames
    silent! scriptnames
    redir END

    for script in split(l:scriptnames, "\n")
        if l:script =~ a:script_name
            return str2nr(split(l:script, ":")[0])

    return -1

If you need to, for instance, call a function foo defined with s: in a script named bar.vim, you can use:

call eval(printf("<SNR>%d_foo()", GetScriptNumber("bar.vim")))
like image 143
sevko Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10


There is also a Vim plugin scriptease which provides a command :Scriptnames to show all the loaded script in their order of loading in a quickfix window. The script number is the integer behind the script path. It is easy to find the script you want then.

enter image description here

like image 36
jdhao Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
