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Get a cumulative git diffs for multiple non-consecutuve commits





I'd like to know if there's a way to get a cumulative git diff for multiple non-consecutive commits.

For an example, I can get a what changed in each commit using:

git diff 123456^ 123456

Where "123456" is a git hash.

I can go this for multiple commits. But I now I want to do multiple diffs and combine the output into one.

For an example,

git diff 123456^ 123456
git diff abcdef^ abcdef

But combine the diff into one. But "123456" and "abcdef" are not consecutive commits.

Update: Lets say a line in file xyz changed:

In commit 123456: from "foo" to "bar"
in commit abcdef: from "bar" to "oof"

I just want to see that it changed from "foo" to "oof" after these to commits.

git diff 123456 abcdef does not work for me because I don't want to all the changes in between 123456 and abcdef.

I dont want to commit anything; just want to this to review code for security.

like image 874
DDS Avatar asked Aug 09 '16 05:08


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1 Answers

I'm sure someone has a more clever approach, but you could try to squash all your chosen commits down into one and then do the diff on that one. You could do that by doing --cherry-pick with --no-commit. Once you have the final result, you can git diff HEAD to get the diff of that with your base version (assuming you reset yourself to that spot).

like image 143
DavidN Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 02:10
