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Gerrit - Reload Plugins to incorporate changes



I am developing some plugins for Gerrit 2.9 and usually copy the jar file into the Gerrit site's plugin folder.

However, I notice that it usually takes a while for Gerrit to pick up the changes made in the plugin jar file. One thing that automatically forces Gerrit to reload the plugins is to restart the server itself.

Next, I tried ssh -p 29418 localhost gerrit plugin reload <plugin-name>, however I get an error saying that "Fatal: Remote plugin administration is disabled".

To solve the above message, I was able to find this post where the suggestion is to add missing configuration option: "plugins.allowRemoteAdmin = true". However I am not sure where to add this configuration option.

So any ideas on how to do a force reload of Plugins without having to restart the Gerrit server itself ?

like image 941
Hari Avatar asked Aug 27 '14 00:08


1 Answers

Open YOUR_GERRIT_DIR/etc/gerrit.config file and add the following entry:

    allowRemoteAdmin = true

Save changes and restart your Gerrit instance. You will be able to reload / install plugins from remote host.

like image 199
fracz Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 08:11
