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How to review a specific commit on Git

I sent a commit (named "A commit") to review (Gerrit) using git review command.

Now, I make a new commit (named "B commit") and I want to send it to review as well, but I don't want to re-send the "A commit". There is no dependencies each other.

How to send a review to gerrit for a specific commit?.


$ git add --all

$ git status

# On branch delete_role
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:   path/to/file.ext

$ git status

# On branch delete_role
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

$ git branch


$ git log --graph --decorate --oneline -n13

* 531bd84 (HEAD, delete_role) commit 3
* df68f1a (master) commit 2
* 4ce2d8d commit 1
*   6751c7d (origin/master, origin/HEAD, gerrit/master)

Commit "df68f1a" and "4ce2d8d" are dependant and they have been sent in a previous git review command, but commit "531bd84" belongs to a new branch (delete_role) because is a new issue.

$ git review

You have more than one commit that you are about to submit.
The outstanding commits are:

531bd84 (HEAD, delete_role) commit 3
df68f1a (master) commit 2
4ce2d8d commit 1

I want to send to Gerrit only the "531bd84" commit, not the other ones.

like image 890
Lobo Avatar asked Nov 04 '13 13:11


People also ask

How can we locate a particular git commit?

Finding a Git commit when given a file size So we use git rev-list to generate a list of all the commits (by default, these are output from newest to oldest). Then we pass each commit to the ls-tree command, and use grep to see if that number appears anywhere in the output.

How do I edit a specific commit in git?

Find the commit you want, change pick to e ( edit ), and save and close the file. Git will rewind to that commit, allowing you to either: use git commit --amend to make changes, or.

2 Answers

Branches are the answer:

If you have not made commit A then before making commit A make branch A, then commit your code to that branch and submit it for review Then, go back to the master and create branch B, commit to branch B and submit for review. This way you ensure that there are no dependencies.

Ok, now lets say that you have committed everything in the master like this:


This is your log:

commit b58fff12319d7ad1b1bc6ebcf4395d986a8ffac3
Date:   Fri Nov 8 09:48:23 2013 +0800

    Change B

commit 99f249cdf2352ace3ca9ee8bf7a8a732f27b31eb
Date:   Fri Nov 8 09:47:56 2013 +0800

    Change A

commit f091b7a4cc5c0532973c5bd401d2171f6fb735ec
Date:   Fri Nov 8 09:47:30 2013 +0800

    Initial commit

What we want is this:


To get this create perform the following commands:

# Create two new branches from the point where the current Gerrit repo master is now
git branch A f091b7a4cc5c0532973c5bd401d2171f6fb735ec
git branch B f091b7a4cc5c0532973c5bd401d2171f6fb735ec
git checkout A # Create a branch to hold change A
git merge 99f249cdf2352ace3ca9ee8bf7a8a732f27b31eb
git log
commit 99f249cdf2352ace3ca9ee8bf7a8a732f27b31eb
Date:   Fri Nov 8 09:47:56 2013 +0800

    Change A

commit f091b7a4cc5c0532973c5bd401d2171f6fb735ec
Date:   Fri Nov 8 09:47:30 2013 +0800

    Initial commit
git checkout B 
git cherry-pick b58fff12319d7ad1b1bc6ebcf4395d986a8ffac3
git log
# Note the new sha1 hash as this is change could not be fast forwarded
commit d3aa1acc2b208115c7de78d5c9c4f6a906ece84a
Date:   Fri Nov 8 09:48:23 2013 +0800

    Change B

commit f091b7a4cc5c0532973c5bd401d2171f6fb735ec
Date:   Fri Nov 8 09:47:30 2013 +0800

    Initial commit

Now you have two branches that hold one change each, pushing either of these changes to Gerrit will result in just one change being pushed.

Then you might want to clean up you master by remove the commits from there:

git checkout master
git reset --hard HEAD~2

Specially for the update question:

git branch B 6751c7d 
git checkout B
git cherry-pick 531bd84 

You should create the branch from the gerrit master 675c7d, then cherry-pick your commit 3 into the new branch, then you can delete your old branch delete_role

like image 27
uncletall Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


Create the B commit in a new branch.

While being on this branch, use git review and it will only push the content of this branch to Gerrit.

This way, Gerrit won't consider that your commit B needs your commit A and if you want, you can merge your commit B to the working branch before commit A

If your history is like this:

...-old(merged)-A(waiting for review)

what you want to do is:

...-old(merged)-A(waiting for review) <-master branch
       \B(new commit)                 <-new branch

Then, if you're on branch B, and use git review, it won't push anything else than commit B

If you're in this situation:

...-old(merged)-A(waiting for review)-B

, what you want to do to achieve the configuration we want is:

git log (Note the SHA1 of your B commit)
git reset HEAD^^^ (you go back in detched state three commits before, before the two you don't want to send)
git checkout -b Breview (you create a new branch there)
git cherry-pick +the SHA1 you noted (you copy your B commit on your new branch)
git checkout master (you return on your branch with the two commit)
git reset HEAD^--hard (you delete the B commit from this branch where you don't need it)

Now, you achieved the wanted configuration and to push your B commit, you just need to do:

git checkout Breview
git review

and it will only submit your B commit

like image 175
Rudy Bunel Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Rudy Bunel