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Gerrit & Phabricator review [closed]

Has anyone done a review between Phabricator and Gerrit? I am looking out for a review tool and want to settle on one based on:

  • Ease of use
  • Comprehensiveness in features
  • Activity by the community
  • and adoption

Edit: I use Git

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Quintin Par Avatar asked May 11 '12 04:05

Quintin Par

People also ask

What is the difference between Git and Gerrit?

While GitHub supports multiple commits in one pull request, Gerrit does not. The fundamentals of Gerrit is closer to the git request-pull way of thinking (the built in way to create “pull requests” within git – not to be confused with GitHub pull requests).

Is Gerrit based on Git?

Gerrit is a web-based code review tool, which is integrated with Git and built on top of Git version control system (helps developers to work together and maintain the history of their work).

Is Gerrit any good?

If you think the web interface doesn't add anything, then Gerrit is not a good tool for you. But those are not shortcomings of Gerrit, but simply a mismatch between your preferred workflow and your preferred way of interacting with code reviews.

How does Gerrit work?

Gerrit uses the Change-Id information in the commit message to identify if the push is a new commit or an update of an existing change. A change consists of one or more patch sets which are used to improve the first proposal based on review comments. One patch set corresponds to one Git commit.

1 Answers

I've tried to compare them and these are the most prominent differences I've found


  • +Acts as a repository so you push to it and it creates a review issue of your commit
  • +No commit ever gets through with out review as it is impossible to forget to create review issue
  • -Works only with git
  • -Can't handle post commit review (auditing) at all.


  • +Handles git, svn and hg
  • +Let's you create post commit review of commits through magic (herald)
  • +Integrates loads of tools
  • -Integrates loads of tools (yes, that is both good and bad)
  • -Pre commit code review is optional. You send diff to Differential and once that is approved you push to your repo. In my opinion that isn't very user friendly but might be manageable if you keep each issue/future commit in it's own branch.
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Andreas Wederbrand Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Andreas Wederbrand