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Is good idea to use gerrit to host the git repository instead of gitolite or gitosis?

Originally I try to use gitosis to manage the git repositories in the company, and later notice gitolite is kind of enhancement of gitosis.

And also I heard gerrit could be used for the same purpose, but from the description, gerrit is mainly used for code review.

So which is the best way for setting up git server

  • using gitolite (for git repo) AND gerrit (for code review) together
  • using gerrit ONLY to manage git repository and codereview

Can you give some suggestion ?

BTW: http://gitorious.org/ is considered in the future

like image 941
Larry Cai Avatar asked Jul 08 '10 09:07

Larry Cai

People also ask

Why do we use Gerrit?

Gerrit (/ˈɡɛrɪt/ GERR-it) is a free, web-based team code collaboration tool. Software developers in a team can review each other's modifications on their source code using a Web browser and approve or reject those changes.

Which Git provider can be used for hosting?

The most popular Git hosting sites are GitHub and Bitbucket. Both offer free hosting with certain limitations.

What is the best Git repository?

The number one, at least in terms of popularity, is definitely GitHub – the most famous web-based Git repository hosting service. Officially over 70 million users are registered there. This is not a coincidence as GitHub provides many useful features and is in many cases free, e.g. for open-source projects.

How is Gerrit different from Git?

With GitHub, you would have a string of additional commits in the branch you used for opening the pull request. In Gerrit, you still only have that one commit in your local branch. All the iterations are available as patchsets in the Web UI as well as from the special branch mentioned above.

1 Answers

If you're going to use gerrit at all, you might as well use it for hosting as well as code review -- the workflow is easier that way, as gerrit will manage merging your reviewed code into its repository, and that's what you want to be publishing -- if you host elsewhere, you're going to have to either set up a method for automatically pulling from gerrit or you're going to have a way for your developers to bypass the code review by pushing their changes straight to the hosted repositories and ignoring gerrit altogether.

Recent versions of gerrit can integrate gitweb, giving you the nice web interface to browse with, but protected by the ACLs you've set up.

like image 94
Andrew Aylett Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10

Andrew Aylett