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genetic algorithm handling negative fitness values

I am trying to implement genetic algorithm for maximizing a function of n variables. However the problem is that the fitness values can be negative and I am not sure about how to handle negative values while doing selection. I read this article Linear fitness scaling in Genetic Algorithm produces negative fitness values but it's not clear to me how the negative fitness values were taken care of and how scaling factors a and b were calculated.

Also, from the article I know that roulette wheel selection only works for positive fitness value. Is it the same for tournament selection as well ?

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vjain27 Avatar asked Apr 24 '13 08:04


People also ask

Which selection method does not work with negative value?

It is to be noted that fitness proportionate selection methods don't work for cases where the fitness can take a negative value.

Can a genetic algorithm work if there is no fitness function?

You need some kind of fitness function in genetic algorithms.

What are the main difficulties in using genetic algorithm technique?

One major obstacle of genetic algorithms is the coding of the fitness (evaluation) function so that a higher fitness can be attained and better solutions for the problem at hand are produced.

How do you evaluate fitness function in genetic algorithm?

Consider three variables x, y and z. The problem is to find the best set of values for x, y and z so that their total value is equal to a value t. We have to reduce the sum x+y+z from deviating from t, i.e. |x + y + z — t| should be zero. Hence the fitness function can be considered as the inverse of |x + y + z - t|.

2 Answers

Okay, it's late to answer, but still someone could google it.

First of all - yes, you can use negative fitness. But I'm totally suggest you not to do it, because I've did it and experienced a lot of problems (still doable, but totally not recommended). So here's explanation:

Say you have population of N creatures. After simulation they all have some fitness values f(n), where f(n) is fitness and n is creature number. After this you want to build some probability distribution to determine which creatures should be killed (of course you can delete say 40% of just worst creatures but it would be better if you use distribution). How do you build such distribution? Say f(a) = 50, and f(b) = 100, so creature b is 2 times better than creature a, so probably you want to make the survival probability of creature a 2 times higher than creature b (makes great sense if your fitness value is linear). In case you wonder how to do it:

Let's say that sum( f (n) ) is the summ of all fitness values. Then survival probability p(a) of creature a is:

p(a) = f(a) / sum( f(n) )

This will do the trick.

But now let's make negative fitness allowed. Say f(a) = 50, f(b) = 100, f(c) = -1000. b is again 2 times better than a, makes sense, but it's -10 times better than c? Doesn't make sense. Gentleman above suggested you to add oppositive of worst fitness value, which kinda can "fix" your situation, but really it don't (I maked same mistake before). Okay, let's add 1000 to all fitness values:

f(a) = 1050, f(b) = 1100, f(c) = 0, so survival probability of c is zero now, okay, we can take it. But let's compare a and b now:

b is 1.05 better than a now, which means that fitness of a and b is almost the same, which is totally unacceptable, because it clearly was 2 times better than a (of course in assumption that fitness is linear, but this will mess up nonlinear fitnesses as well)! You can't escape this problem, it will constantly get in your way, because probability can't be negative, so you either can remove the probability from evolution (which is not very good thing to do) or you can do some exceptions and tricks.

Since it was too late in my scenario to remove negative fitness, here's my way in order to fix things up:

Once again, you have population of N creatures. Say neg(N) gives you all negative fitness creatures and pos(N) positive fitness creatures (it's your call to make zero negative or positive, doesn't matter in this case). And let's say you need D creatures to die. And now here's the trick:

the higher f( c ) ( c is pos creature) value, the better creature is, so we can use its fitness to determine the probability of survivial. But the lower (bigger negative) f( m ) (m is neg creature ), the worser creature is, so we can use its fitness to determine the probability of dying.

Now, if D > neg(N) then all neg(N) will die, and (D-neg(N)) of pos(N) will die with use of probability distribution based on all positive creatures fitness (probability of survival p(a) = f(a) / sum( pos(n) ) ). But if D < neg(N), then all pos(N) will survive, and D of neg(N) creatures will die with use of probability distribution based on all negative creatures fitness (probability of dying p(a) = f(a) / sum( neg(n) ) (f(a) will be negative, but sum( neg(n) ) will be negative as well, so probability will be positive).

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Volot Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 12:10


When you have negative values, you could try to find the smallest fitness value in your population and add its opposite to every value. This way you will no longer have negative values, while the differences between fitness values will remain the same.

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Alin Huruba Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 11:10

Alin Huruba