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Genetic Algorithm to Draw a Graph? Position assignment problem

I have an assignment problem at hand and am wondering how suitable it would be to apply local search techniques to reach a desirable solution (the search space is quite large).

I have a directed graph (a flow-chart) that I would like to visualize on 2-D plane in a way that it is very clear, understandable and easy to read by human-eye. Therefore; I will be assigning (x,y) positions to each vertex. I'm thinking of solving this problem using simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, or any such method you can suggest

Input: A graph G = (V,E)
Output: A set of assignments, {(xi, yi) for each vi in V}. In other words, each vertex will be assigned a position (x, y) where the coordinates are all integers and >= 0.

These are the criteria that I will use to judge a solution (I welcome any suggestions):

  • Number of intersecting edges should be minimal,
  • All edges flow in one direction (i.e from left to right),
  • High angular resolution (the smallest angle formed by two edges incident on the same vertex),
  • Small area - least important.

Furthermore; I have an initial configuration (assignment of positions to vertices), made by hand. It is very messy and that's why I'm trying to automate the process.

My questions are,

  • How wise would it be to go with local search techniques? How likely would it produce a desired outcome?

  • And what should I start with? Simulated annealing, genetic algorithms or something else?

  • Should I seed randomly at the beginning or use the initial configuration to start with?

  • Or, if you already know of a similar implementation/pseudo-code/thing, please point me to it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

EDIT: It doesn't need to be fast - not in real-time. Furthermore; |V|=~200 and each vertex has about 1.5 outgoing edges on average. The graph has no disconnected components. It does involve cycles.

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Murat Derya Özen Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 12:07

Murat Derya Özen

2 Answers

I would suggest looking at http://www.graphviz.org/Theory.php since graphviz is one of the leading open source graph visualizers.

Depending on what the assignment is, maybe it would make sense to use graphviz for the visualization altogether.

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Leonard Brünings Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10

Leonard Brünings

This paper is a pretty good overview of the various approaches. Roberto Tomassia's book is also a good bet.

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MPG Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10