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Generating tags to different location by pathogen





I use pathogen for organizing my vim plugins. I git clone the plugins from github into the vimbundles directory. This way it is simple to update them.

I have problem with the tags generated by pathogen. If the plugin does not have the tags included in its code, pathogen generates them by calling pathogen#helptags(). The tags are generated into the doc folder of the plugin. These files then figure as untracked in git repository.

Do you know a way how to generate tags into a different location? All tags could be on the same place, the goal is not to have them generated to the directory where the plugins live. Can pathogen be convinced to do so?

like image 644
fifigyuri Avatar asked Dec 03 '10 08:12


2 Answers

As far as I can tell, pathogen just runs :helptags on the doc directory included in the bundle and vim puts the tags file there. I am not aware of a setting to change this behavior.

I offer my workaround as it's a bit different than the others since I store all of my bundles as submodules of a larger repo. Rather than modifying the repo's .gitignore or .git/config, I just add ignore = untracked to the submodule's entry in .gitmodules, e.g.:

[submodule "vim/bundle/nerdcommenter"]
    path = vim/bundle/nerdcommenter
    url = http://github.com/scrooloose/nerdcommenter.git
    ignore = untracked  
like image 54
Randy Morris Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Randy Morris

Randy's answer works best for me. A one liner I use when I want to add the ignore = untracked option to a lot of submodules is:

for s in `git submodule  --quiet foreach 'echo $name'` ; do git config submodule.$s.ignore untracked ; done
like image 40
zarkdav Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09
