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vim - howto close all buffers in the current tab?



I know that using a command like:


Using this command I can close all buffers, in all tabs, what I'd like to do is to close all buffers open in the current tab, is that possible?


What I'd like to do, is to open ViM and load :VSTreeExplorer and then open related files in the same window switching between them using :next and :previous and then open other files a new tab (with VSTreeExplorer as well), when I need to clean one of the tabs, I would like to use whatever command that closes buffers in the current tab.

For now, what I do is use :%bd and then open the VSTreeExplorer and start over...


like image 401
kalbasit Avatar asked Jun 28 '10 14:06


People also ask

How do I close all buffers in vim?

I use a variant of your solution: :%bd<CR><C-O>:bd#<CR> This will delete all buffers, then use <C-O> to get restore the position in the current file, then :bd# to remove the unamed buffer. This closes all buffers and leaves you in the same location in the file.

How do you close a tab in vim?

Remap :tabclose to QA This plugin will allow you to keep your abbreviations in the context of a : command. Once this plugin is loaded add the following to your vimrc to create a user command for QA . Now typing :qa in a tab will close out the tab.

How do we save and quit for all active tabs vim?

It's possible to suffix a[ll] for a number of Vim command-line commands (i.e. type : when in normal mode), include: :wa - save all tabs / unsaved buffers. :xa / :wqa - save all tabs / unsaved buffers and exit Vim. :qa - exit vim (will warn if unsaved buffers exist)

1 Answers

If you're done with a tab you can just use :tabclose.

like image 58
too much php Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

too much php