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Generating subsets of set. Laziness?



I have written a function generating subsets of subset. It caused stack overflow when I use in the following way subsets [1..]. And it is "normal" behaviour when it comes to "normal" (no-lazy) languages. And now, I would like to improve my function to be lazy.

P.S. I don't understand laziness ( And I try to understand it) so perhaps my problem is strange for you- please explain. :)

P.S. 2 Feel free to say me something about my disability in Haskell ;)

subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]
subsets (x:xs) = (map (\ e -> x:e) (subsets xs)) ++ (subsets xs)
subsets [] = [[]]
like image 729
Gilgamesz Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 18:12


2 Answers

There's two problems with that function. First, it recurses twice, which makes it exponentially more ineffiecient than necessary (if we disregard the exponential number of results...), because each subtree is recalculated every time for all overlapping subsets; this can be fixed by leting the recursive call be the same value:

subsets' :: [a] -> [[a]]
subsets' [] = [[]]
subsets' (x:xs) = let s = subsets' xs
                  in map (x:) s ++ s

This will already allow you to calculate length $ subsets' [1..25] in a few seconds, while length $ subsets [1..25] takes... well, I didn't wait ;)

The other issue is that with your version, when you give it an infinite list, it will recurse on the infinite tail of that list first. To generate all finite subsets in a meaningful way, we need to ensure two things: first, we must build up each set from smaller sets (to ensure termination), and second, we should ensure a fair order (ie., not generate the list [[1], [2], ...] first and never get to the rest). For this, we start from [[]] and recursively add the current element to everything we have already generated, and then remember the new list for the next step:

subsets'' :: [a] -> [[a]]
subsets'' l = [[]] ++ subs [[]] l
  where subs previous (x:xs) = let next = map (x:) previous
                               in next ++ subs (previous ++ next) xs
        subs _ [] = []

Which results in this order:

*Main> take 100 $ subsets'' [1..]
like image 68
phipsgabler Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 22:01


You can't generate all the subsets of an infinite set: they form an uncountable set. Cardinality makes it impossible.

At most, you can try to generate all the finite subsets. For that, you can't proceed by induction, from [] onwards, since you'll never reach []. You need to proceed inductively from the beginning of the list, instead of the end.

like image 33
chi Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 23:01
