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Process Haskell list from right to left keeping origin order

Need increment every second item starting from the right in Haskell list but keeping origin order (e.g. reverse is not a case). For example:

 f [1, 2, 3] --  [1, 3, 3]

 f [1, 2, 3, 4] -- [2, 2, 4, 4]

I've tried something like a following:

fc ([]) = []
fc (x:[]) = [x]
fc (x:[y]) = [x+1,y]
fc( x:xs ) = fc [x] : ( fc xs ) -- this line is wrong

p.s. Obviously I could reverse (but prefer to understand original task) the list twice and apply something like:

helper (x:y:tail) = [x, y+1] ++ tail
fc x = reverse (helper (reverse x) )
like image 742
Dewfy Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 23:12


1 Answers

The typical way to process a Haskell list from right to left would be to reverse it. Since you want to have the original order for the result, you would simply reverse again:

f1 = reverse . zipWith (+) (cycle [0,1]) . reverse

But if you really want to, you can have each recursive call return both the updated tail and a flag that indicates whether that position is even when counted from the end so you know whether to increase the element at that position or not:

f2 = snd . g
  g []     = (False, [])
  g (x:xs) = let (addOne, xs') = g xs
                 x' = if addOne then x + 1 else x
             in (not addOne, x':xs')

We're basically mapping a function over the list, but this function requires an extra parameter that gets computed starting from the right end of the list. There's a standard function we can use:

import Data.List (mapAccumR)
f2' = snd . mapAccumR g False
  g addOne x = (not addOne, if addOne then x + 1 else x)
like image 103
raymonad Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 21:03
