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Gamecenter ios 9 GameCenter GKLocalPlayerListener methods not called

This is about GameCenter.

Since "the GKLocalPlayerListener protocol inherits the methods from GKChallengeListener, GKInviteEventListener, and GKTurnBasedEventListener.

In order to handle multiple events" and "do not implement GKChallengeListener, GKInviteEventListener, and GKTurnBasedEventListener directly; implement GKLocalPlayerListener instead.

You can listen for, and handle multiple events using GKLocalPlayerListener" (these are from apple docs).

One would expect that after registering the GKLocalPlayerListener after the GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer() has been authenticated, then all the methods in the GKLocalPlayerListener would be called, when the appropriate events happen.

However, apart from "player(player: GKPlayer, receivedTurnEventForMatch match: GKTurnBasedMatch, didBecomeActive: Bool)", which is called, all the other methods, including "player(player: GKPlayer, matchEnded match: GKTurnBasedMatch)" is never called when such an event occurs.

Do we need to register some other listener or is there something I am missing?

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μ4ρκ05 Avatar asked Dec 24 '15 11:12


1 Answers

Regarding detecting that you've been invited to a turn based match: no event is sent, but when you query your list of matches from the server, you just have a new match suddenly show up (and your status will be invited). (the recipient does get an UIAlert prompt that they've received an invite, though)

Regarding if/when the various API functions fire, I have spent many, many, many hours trying to decipher when these various functions fire. I've opened more than a few bugs either against the functions or against the documentation. Here are my current notes; This is how I've organized all the delegate functions in my helper class, indicating which listener they apply to as well as notes as to what causes them to fire.

You can see there are several that I've never deciphered. Any additional input/clarifications on this list would be greatly appreciated.

#pragma mark - specific to real-time matches
//this is for real-time matches only (but the docs don't say that)
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didAcceptInvite:(GKInvite *)invite

#pragma mark - saved game listener (GKSavedGameListener)
//never fires. Theory: only fires if the SAME player tries to save the game from a different device while being the active player
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didModifySavedGame:(GKSavedGame *)savedGame

//never fires. Theory: only fires if the SAME player tries to save the game from a different device while being the active player
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player hasConflictingSavedGames:(NSArray *)savedGames

#pragma mark - game launched via game center (GKLocalPlayerListener)
//DEPRECATED: This is fired when the user asks to play with a friend from the game center.app
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didRequestMatchWithPlayers:(NSArray *)playerIDsToInvite

//This is fired when the user launches the game from Game Center and requests to play with a friend
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didRequestMatchWithRecipients:(NSArray *)recipientPlayers

//Never seen this fire. Possibly fired when the user launches the game from Game Center. Unclear how this varies from didRequestMatchWithRecipients
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didRequestMatchWithOtherPlayers:(NSArray *)playersToInvite

#pragma mark - Ending turn based matches (GKLocalPlayerListener)
//I've never seen this fire
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player matchEnded:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match

//I've never seen this fire
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player wantsToQuitMatch:(nonnull GKTurnBasedMatch *)match

#pragma mark - challenges (GKLocalPlayerListener)
//untested, I don't use challenges
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player issuedChallengeWasCompleted:(GKChallenge *)challenge byFriend:(GKPlayer *)friendPlayer

//untested, I don't use challenges
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didCompleteChallenge:(GKChallenge *)challenge issuedByFriend:(GKPlayer *)friendPlayer

//untested, I don't use challenges
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didReceiveChallenge:(GKChallenge *)challenge

//untested, I don't use challenges
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player wantsToPlayChallenge:(GKChallenge *)challenge

#pragma mark - exchanges (GKLocalPlayerListener)
//seems to work as expected
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player receivedExchangeCancellation:(GKTurnBasedExchange *)exchange forMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match

//this fires for the Current Player AND the Exchange Initiator AFTER all replies/timeouts are complete.
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player receivedExchangeReplies:(NSArray *)replies forCompletedExchange:(GKTurnBasedExchange *)exchange forMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match

//seems to work as expected
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player receivedExchangeRequest:(GKTurnBasedExchange *)exchange forMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match

#pragma mark - event handler (GKLocalPlayerListener)
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player receivedTurnEventForMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match didBecomeActive:(BOOL)didBecomeActive
    Apple says this fires when:
    1. When it becomes the active player's turn, including the inviting player creating a new match (CHECK)
    2. When the time out is about to fire (FAIL. It fires AFTER the timeout expires, which may just be item #4 happening)
    3. Player accepts an invite from another player (FAIL. Never happens. Instead it fires when an INVITED player starts playing a session FROM this player.)
    4. Turn was passed to another player. (CHECK)
    5. player receives a reminder (CHECK, confirmed by μ4ρκ05)

    It Also fires when:
    6. A remote user quits (CHECK)
    7. A remote user declines (unconfirmed)
    8. An automatch player joins the game (CHECK)
    9. An invited player starts playing (CHECK)
    10. A remote user saves the game (CHECK)

Edit: updated the status of "reminder" notifications based on μ4ρκ05's feedback.

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Thunk Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 07:10
