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Assigning nil to an element on NSMutableDictionary in Objective-C removes that element, is that a sanctioned feature or bug?

I have a NSMutableDictionary.

NSMutableDictionary * dict = @{
                                @"0" : @"car",
                                @"1" : @"ball",
                                @"2" : @"plane",

At one point, by error, I was assigning a nil to to an element on a dictionary. For example:

  dict[@"1"] = nil; 

for my surprise, instead of crash, the element "1" is being deleted.

Is this something recent? a sanctioned feature or a bug? I wonder if this is a feature, because I always used something like

[dict removeObjectForKey:@"1"];

To remove objects from dictionaries.

I never knew it was possible. Perhaps Apple is making Objective-C similar to Swift.

like image 335
Duck Avatar asked Sep 20 '15 12:09


1 Answers

I just verified the behavior in Swift 2.0.

var dict: NSMutableDictionary = [ "0" : "car", "1" : "ball", "2" : "plane" ];
dict["1"] = nil

It must to be a bug because it contradicts the documentation.

From NSMutableDictionary Class Reference:

- setObject:forKeyedSubscript: Adds a given key-value pair to the dictionary.



- (void)setObject:(ObjectType)object



The value for aKey. A strong reference to the object is maintained by the dictionary.


Raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if anObject is nil. If you need to represent a nil value in the dictionary, use NSNull.


The key for value. The key is copied (using copyWithZone:; keys must conform to the NSCopying protocol). If aKey already exists in the dictionary, anObject takes its place.


Raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if aKey is nil.

UPDATE: 2016-04-21

Apple has updated it's documentation! passing a nil value can be used to delete a key.


The value for aKey. A strong reference to the object is maintained by the dictionary.

Passing nil will cause any object corresponding to aKey to be removed from the dictionary.

like image 169
Jeffery Thomas Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 07:11

Jeffery Thomas