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Futures - map vs flatmap




People also ask

Are Futures monads?

Futures can be considered monads if you never construct them with effectful blocks (pure, in-memory computation), or if any effects generated are not considered as part of semantic equivalence (like logging messages). However, this isn't how most people use them in practice.

Is Scala Future blocking?

By default, futures and promises are non-blocking, making use of callbacks instead of typical blocking operations. To simplify the use of callbacks both syntactically and conceptually, Scala provides combinators such as flatMap , foreach , and filter used to compose futures in a non-blocking way.

What is Future and promise in Scala?

The Promise is a writable, single-assignment container that completes a Future. The Promise is similar to the Future. However, the Future is about the read-side of an asynchronous operation, while the Promise is about the write-side.

How does Future work in Scala?

Future represents a result of an asynchronous computation that may or may not be available yet. When we create a new Future, Scala spawns a new thread and executes its code. Once the execution is finished, the result of the computation (value or exception) will be assigned to the Future.

If you have a future, let's say, Future[HttpResponse], and you want to specify what to do with that result when it is ready, such as write the body to a file, you may do something like responseF.map(response => write(response.body). However if write is also an asynchronous method which returns a future, this map call will return a type like Future[Future[Result]].

In the following code:

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

val numF = Future{ 3 }

val stringF = numF.map(n => Future(n.toString))

val flatStringF = numF.flatMap(n => Future(n.toString))

stringF is of type Future[Future[String]] while flatStringF is of type Future[String]. Most would agree, the second is more useful. Flat Map is therefore useful for composing multiple futures together.

When you use for comprehensions with Futures, under the hood flatMap is being used together with map.

import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._

val threeF = Future(3)
val fourF = Future(4)
val fiveF = Future(5)

val resultF = for{
  three <- threeF
  four <- fourF
  five <- fiveF
  three * four * five

Await.result(resultF, 3 seconds)

This code will yield 60.

Under the hood, scala translates this to

val resultF = threeF.flatMap(three => fourF.flatMap(four => fiveF.map(five => three * four * five)))

ensure that processFile always runs in a Future even if it was not mapped from downloadFile?

Yes that is correct.

However most of the time you wouldn't use Future { ... } directly, you would use functions (from other libraries or your own) which return a Future.

Imagine the following functions :

def getFileNameFromDB{id: Int) : Future[String] = ???
def downloadFile(fileName: String) : Future[java.io.File] = ???
def processFile(file: java.io.File) : Future[ProcessResult] = ???

You could use flatMap to combine them :

val futResult: Future[ProcessResult] =
  getFileNameFromDB(1).flatMap( name =>
    downloadFile(name).flatMap( file =>

Or using a for comprehension :

val futResult: Future[ProcessResult] =
  for {
    name <- getFileNameFromDB(1)
    file <- downloadFile(name)
    result <- processFile(file)
  } yield result

Most of the time you would not call onSuccess (or onComplete). By using one of these functions you register a callback function which will be executed when the Future finishes.

If in our example you would like to render the result of the file processing, you would return something like Future[Result] instead of calling futResult.onSuccess(renderResult). In the last case your return type would be Unit, so you can not really return something.

In Play Framework this could look like :

def giveMeAFile(id: Int) = Action.async {
  for {
    name <- getFileNameFromDB(1)
    file <- downloadFile(name)
    processed <- processFile(file)
  } yield Ok(processed.byteArray).as(processed.mimeType))