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Slick 3.0 bulk insert or update (upsert)

what is the correct way to do a bulk insertOrUpdate in Slick 3.0?

I am using MySQL where the appropriate query would be

INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=VALUES(a)+VALUES(b); 


Here is my current code which is very slow :-(

// FIXME -- this is slow but will stop repeats, an insertOrUpdate // functions for a list would be much better val rowsInserted = rows.map {   row => await(run(TableQuery[FooTable].insertOrUpdate(row))) }.sum 

What I am looking for is the equivalent of

def insertOrUpdate(values: Iterable[U]): DriverAction[MultiInsertResult, NoStream, Effect.Write] 
like image 921
opus111 Avatar asked Jan 25 '16 20:01


2 Answers

There are several ways that you can make this code faster (each one should be faster than the preceding ones, but it gets progressively less idiomatic-slick):

  • Run insertOrUpdateAll instead of insertOrUpdate if on slick-pg 0.16.1+

    await(run(TableQuery[FooTable].insertOrUpdateAll rows)).sum 
  • Run your DBIO events all at once, rather than waiting for each one to commit before you run the next:

    val toBeInserted = rows.map { row => TableQuery[FooTable].insertOrUpdate(row) } val inOneGo = DBIO.sequence(toBeInserted) val dbioFuture = run(inOneGo) // Optionally, you can add a `.transactionally` // and / or `.withPinnedSession` here to pin all of these upserts // to the same transaction / connection // which *may* get you a little more speed: // val dbioFuture = run(inOneGo.transactionally) val rowsInserted = await(dbioFuture).sum 
  • Drop down to the JDBC level and run your upsert all in one go (idea via this answer):

    val SQL = """INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=VALUES(a)+VALUES(b);"""  SimpleDBIO[List[Int]] { session =>   val statement = session.connection.prepareStatement(SQL)   rows.map { row =>     statement.setInt(1, row.a)     statement.setInt(2, row.b)     statement.setInt(3, row.c)     statement.addBatch()   }   statement.executeBatch() } 
like image 106
Sean Vieira Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 01:10

Sean Vieira

As you can see at Slick examples, you can use ++= function to insert using JDBC batch insert feature. Per instance:

val foos = TableQuery[FooTable] val rows: Seq[Foo] = ... foos ++= rows // here slick will use batch insert 

You can also "size" you batch by "grouping" the rows sequence:

val batchSize = 1000 rows.grouped(batchSize).foreach { group => foos ++= group } 
like image 30
marcospereira Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10
