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Free monad and the free operation

One way to describe the Free monad is to say it is an initial monoid in the category of endofunctors (of some category C) whose objects are the endofunctors from C to C, arrows are the natural transformations between them. If we take C to be Hask, the endofunctor are what is called Functor in haskell, which are functor from * -> * where * represents the objects of Hask

By initiality, any map from an endofunctor t to a monoid m in End(Hask) induces a map from Free t to m.

Said otherwise, any natural transformation from a Functor t to a Monad m induces a natural transformation from Free t to m

I would have expected to be able to write a function

free :: (Functor t, Monad m) => (∀ a. t a → m a) → (∀ a. Free t a → m a)
free f (Pure  a) = return a
free f (Free (tfta :: t (Free t a))) =
    f (fmap (free f) tfta) 

but this fails to unify, whereas the following works

free :: (Functor t, Monad m) => (t (m a) → m a) → (Free t a → m a)
free f (Pure  a) = return a
free f (Free (tfta :: t (Free t a))) =
    f (fmap (free f) tfta)

or its generalization with signature

free :: (Functor t, Monad m) => (∀ a. t a → a) → (∀ a. Free t a → m a)

Did I make a mistake in the category theory, or in the translation to Haskell ?

I'd be interested to hear about some wisdom here..

PS : code with that enabled

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, UnicodeSyntax #-}
import Control.Monad.Free
like image 829
nicolas Avatar asked Jan 03 '16 10:01


People also ask

Why use free monad?

A free monad is a construction which allows you to build a monad from any Functor. Like other monads, it is a pure way to represent and manipulate computations. In particular, free monads provide a practical way to: represent stateful computations as data, and run them.

What do you know about the functor and monad?

A functor is an interface with one method i.e a mapping of the category to category. Monads basically is a mechanism for sequencing computations. A monad is a way to wrap stuff, then operate on the wrapped stuff without unwrapping it.

What is state monad?

The state monad is a built in monad in Haskell that allows for chaining of a state variable (which may be arbitrarily complex) through a series of function calls, to simulate stateful code.

What is a monad Scala?

Monad in scala are a category of data types. Informally, anything that has a type parameter, a constructor that takes an element of that type, and a flatMap method (which has to obey certain laws) is a monad. A monad is a mechanism for sequencing computations.

2 Answers

The Haskell translation seems wrong. A big hint is that your free implementation doesn't use monadic bind (or join) anywhere. You can find free as foldFree with the following definition:

free :: Monad m => (forall x. t x -> m x) -> (forall a. Free t a -> m a)
free f (Pure a)  = return a
free f (Free fs) = f fs >>= free f

The key point is that f specializes to t (Free t a) -> m (Free t a), thus eliminating one Free layer in one fell swoop.

like image 85
András Kovács Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09

András Kovács

I don't know about the category theory part, but the Haskell part is definitely not well-typed with your original implementation and original type signature.


free :: (Functor t, Monad m) => (∀ a. t a → m a) → (∀ a. Free t a → m a)

when you pattern match on Free tfta, you get

tfta :: t (Free t a)
f :: forall a. t a -> m a 
free :: (forall a. t a -> m a) -> forall a. Free t a -> m a

And thus

free f :: forall a. Free t a -> m a

leading to

fmap (free f) :: forall a. t (Free t a) -> t (m a) 

So to be able to collapse that t (m a) into your desired m a, you need to apply f on it (to "turn the t into an m") and then exploit the fact that m is a Monad:

f . fmap (free f) :: forall a. t (Free t a) -> m (m a)
join . f . fmap (free f) :: forall a. t (Free t a) -> m a

which means you can fix your original definition by changing the second branch of free:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, UnicodeSyntax #-}

import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad

free :: (Functor t, Monad m) => (∀ a. t a → m a) → (∀ a. Free t a → m a)
free f (Pure  a) = return a
free f (Free tfta) = join . f . fmap (free f) $ tfta

This typechecks, and is probably maybe could be what you want :)

like image 22
Cactus Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09
