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Format the color of a cell in a pandas dataframe according to multiple conditions

I am trying to format the color of a cell of an specific column in a data frame, but I can't manage to do it according to multiple conditions.

This is my dataframe (df):

    Name     ID         Cel     Date
0   Diego   b000000005  7878    2565-05-31 20:53:00
1   Luis    b000000015  6464    2017-05-11 20:53:00
2   Vidal   b000000002  1100    2017-05-08 20:53:00
3   John    b000000011  4545    2017-06-06 20:53:00
4   Yusef   b000000013  1717    2017-06-06 20:53:00

I want the values in the "Date" column to change color according to the following conditions:

 if date < datetime.now():
        color = 'green'
    elif date > datetime.now():
        date = 'yellow'
    elif date > (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=60)):
        color = 'red'

This is my current code:

def color(val):
    if val < datetime.now():
        color = 'green'
    elif val > datetime.now():
        color = 'yellow'
    elif val > (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=60)):
        color = 'red'
    return 'background-color: %s' % color

df.style.apply(color, subset = ['Fecha'])

I am getting the following error:

ValueError: ('The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().', 'occurred at index Fecha')

The output is:

Out[65]: <pandas.formats.style.Styler at 0x1e3ab8dec50>

Any help will be appreciated.

like image 308
Yusef Jacobs Avatar asked May 08 '17 02:05

Yusef Jacobs

People also ask

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One way to conditionally format your Pandas DataFrame is to highlight cells which meet certain conditions. To do so, we can write a simple function and pass that function into the Styler object using . apply() or .

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Using Loc to Filter With Multiple Conditions The loc function in pandas can be used to access groups of rows or columns by label. Add each condition you want to be included in the filtered result and concatenate them with the & operator. You'll see our code sample will return a pd. dataframe of our filtered rows.

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1 Answers

Use applymap:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pandas as pd

name = ['Diego', 'Luis', 'Vidal', 'John', 'Yusef']
id = ['b000000005', 'b000000015', 'b000000002', 'b000000011', 'b000000013']
cel = [7878, 6464, 1100, 4545, 1717]
date = pd.to_datetime(['2017-05-31 20:53:00', '2017-05-11 20:53:00', '2017-05-08 20:53:00', 
                       '2017-06-06 20:53:00', '2017-06-06 20:53:00'])

df = pd.DataFrame({'Name':name,'ID':id,'Cel':cel,'Date':date})

def color(val):
    if val < datetime.now():
        color = 'green'
    elif val > datetime.now():
        color = 'yellow'
    elif val > (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=60)):
        color = 'red'
    return 'background-color: %s' % color

df.style.applymap(color, subset=['Date'])

pandas styler output

Screenshot from Jupyter notebook. If you print the output instead, you'll just get a reference to the Styler object:

print(df.style.applymap(color, subset=['Date']))
<pandas.formats.style.Styler object at 0x116db43d0>
like image 145
andrew_reece Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10
