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Force retesting or disable test caching




There are a few options as described in the testing flags docs:

  • go clean -testcache: expires all test results
  • use non-cacheable flags on your test run. The idiomatic way is to use -count=1

That said, changes in your code or test code will invalidate the cached test results (there's extended logic when using local files or environment variables as well), so you should not need to invalidate the test cache manually.

In Go11, I couldn't disable cache using GOCACHE with modules, I used -count=1 instead:

go test -count=1

Prior to Go11:

GOCACHE=off go test

Or, clean test cache and run test again:

go clean -testcache && go test 

There's also GOCACHE=off mentioned here.

The way that I fixed this (I'm using Visual Studio Code on macOS):

Code > Preferences > Settings

Click ... on the right hand side of the settings page

Click Open settings.json


  1. Add the following snippet to your settings.json file

    "go.testEnvVars": {
        "GOCACHE": "off"
  2. Change the value of go.testEnvVars to include the following: "GOCACHE": "off"