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Force browser to download image files on click

People also ask

How do I force a download on browser?

In most browsers, clicking on the link will open the file directly in the browser. But, if you add the download attribute to the link, it will tell the browser to download the file instead. The download attribute works in all modern browsers, including MS Edge, but not Internet Explorer.

How do I trigger a download when clicking HTML button or Javascript?

To trigger a file download on a button click we will use a custom function or HTML 5 download attribute. The download attribute simply uses an anchor tag to prepare the location of the file that needs to be downloaded.

Using HTML5 you can add the attribute 'download' to your links.

<a href="/path/to/image.png" download>

Compliant browsers will then prompt to download the image with the same file name (in this example image.png).

If you specify a value for this attribute, then that will become the new filename:

<a href="/path/to/image.png" download="AwesomeImage.png">

UPDATE: As of spring 2018 this is no longer possible for cross-origin hrefs. So if you want to create <a href="https://i.imgur.com/IskAzqA.jpg" download> on a domain other than imgur.com it will not work as intended. Chrome deprecations and removals announcement

I managed to get this working in Chrome and Firefox too by appending a link to the to document.

var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = 'images.jpg';
link.download = 'Download.jpg';

Leeroy & Richard Parnaby-King:

UPDATE: As of spring 2018 this is no longer possible for cross-origin hrefs. So if you want to create on a domain other than imgur.com it will not work as intended. Chrome deprecations and removals announcement

function forceDownload(url, fileName){
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open("GET", url, true);
    xhr.responseType = "blob";
    xhr.onload = function(){
        var urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
        var imageUrl = urlCreator.createObjectURL(this.response);
        var tag = document.createElement('a');
        tag.href = imageUrl;
        tag.download = fileName;

A more modern approach using Promise and async/await :

toDataURL(url) {
    return fetch(url).then((response) => {
            return response.blob();
        }).then(blob => {
            return URL.createObjectURL(blob);


async download() {
        const a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = await toDataURL("https://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/ninja-things-1/1772/ninja-simple-512.png");
        a.download = "myImage.png";

Find documentation here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch

Update Spring 2018

<a href="/path/to/image.jpg" download="FileName.jpg">

While this is still supported, as of February 2018 chrome disabled this feature for cross-origin downloading meaning this will only work if the file is located on the same domain name.

I figured out a workaround for downloading cross domain images after Chrome's new update which disabled cross domain downloading. You could modify this into a function to suit your needs. You might be able to get the image mime-type (jpeg,png,gif,etc) with some more research if you needed to. There may be a way to do something similar to this with videos as well. Hope this helps someone!

Leeroy & Richard Parnaby-King:

UPDATE: As of spring 2018 this is no longer possible for cross-origin hrefs. So if you want to create on a domain other than imgur.com it will not work as intended. Chrome deprecations and removals announcement

var image = new Image();
image.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
image.src = "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music62/v4/4b/f6/a2/4bf6a267-5a59-be4f-6947-d803849c6a7d/source/200x200bb.jpg";
// get file name - you might need to modify this if your image url doesn't contain a file extension otherwise you can set the file name manually
var fileName = image.src.split(/(\\|\/)/g).pop();
image.onload = function () {
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.width = this.naturalWidth; // or 'width' if you want a special/scaled size
    canvas.height = this.naturalHeight; // or 'height' if you want a special/scaled size
    canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(this, 0, 0);
    var blob;
    // ... get as Data URI
    if (image.src.indexOf(".jpg") > -1) {
    blob = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
    } else if (image.src.indexOf(".png") > -1) {
    blob = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
    } else if (image.src.indexOf(".gif") > -1) {
    blob = canvas.toDataURL("image/gif");
    } else {
    blob = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
    $("body").html("<b>Click image to download.</b><br><a download='" + fileName + "' href='" + blob + "'><img src='" + blob + "'/></a>");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>