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Make a number a percentage

A percentage is just:

(number_one / number_two) * 100

No need for anything fancy:

var number1 = 4.954848;
var number2 = 5.9797;

alert(Math.floor((number1 / number2) * 100)); //w00t!

((portion/total) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'

The best solution, where en is the English locale:

fraction.toLocaleString("en", {style: "percent"})

Well, if you have a number like 0.123456 that is the result of a division to give a percentage, multiply it by 100 and then either round it or use toFixed like in your example.

Math.round(0.123456 * 100) //12

Here is a jQuery plugin to do that:

    percentage: function(a, b) {
        return Math.round((a / b) * 100);


alert($.percentage(6, 10));

Most answers suggest appending '%' at the end. I would rather prefer Intl.NumberFormat() with { style: 'percent'}

var num = 25;

var option = {
  style: 'percent'

var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", option);
var percentFormat = formatter.format(num / 100);

Numeral.js is a library I created that can can format numbers, currency, percentages and has support for localization.

numeral(0.7523).format('0%') // returns string "75%"
