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Flip div with two sides of html

I have a login form on a site I am currently building, and I also have a signup form. I would like to add some fancy animation to it by rotating the div to the other side when the "Sign up" link is clicked. I want the login form to be on the front side, and the signup form on the back. I would rather not use javascript, but if necessary, I will.

Thanks for any possible answers!

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Ryan Smith Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 06:11

Ryan Smith

2 Answers

You can do the animation using CSS transition and transform: rotateY() with no Javascript, other than triggering the animation by adding a class.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ThinkingStiff/9UMFg/


.flip {
    backface-visibility: hidden;
    border: 1px solid black;
    height: 150px;
    position: absolute;
    transform-origin: 50% 50% 0px;
    transition: all 3s;
    width: 300px;    

#side-1 {
    transform: rotateY( 0deg );

#side-2 {
    transform: rotateY( 180deg );   

.flip-side-1 {    
    transform: rotateY( 0deg ) !important;

.flip-side-2 {
    transform: rotateY( 180deg ) !important;


<form id="side-1" class="flip">
    <input id="username" placeholder="enter username" />
    <input id="password" placeholder="enter password" />
    <a id="login" href="#">login</a>
    <a id="signup" href="#">sign up</a>
<form id="side-2" class="flip">
    <input id="new-username" placeholder="enter username" />
    <input id="new-password" placeholder="enter password" />
    <input id="new-re-password" placeholder="re-enter password" />
    <a id="create" href="#">create</a>


document.getElementById( 'signup' ).addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {

    document.getElementById( 'side-2' ).className = 'flip flip-side-1';
    document.getElementById( 'side-1' ).className = 'flip flip-side-2';

}, false );
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ThinkingStiff Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 16:12


I haven't got time to write any code right now, but some pointers that might help;

1) You will need to use JavaScript, in conjunction with CSS, and probably a framework like jQuery, no point re-inventing the wheel, jQuery already has excellent animation stuff built in.

2) Break down the animation into stages of what's actually happening. So roughly, shadow appears, giving the impression the form has lifted from the page, content fades, form width animates to 0, then the reverse process with the new content fading in.

3) There are lots of excellent DOM manipulation effects already out there, search for cool jquery content switching, etc, you'll find lots.

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i-CONICA Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 17:12