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Any JQuery alert() replacement for JavaScript's native one?

I would like to replace the native JavaScript alert() with my own, so that I would be able to control the theme and have it more JQueryUI look and feel. I've tried numerous alternatives - JQueryUI Dialog, jAlert, jqAlert. However, it appears that all of them not functioning synchronously in the same fashion like the original alert.


function mytest()

In this example, with the original alert(), the 3 dialogs would appear one after the other in a row. But in the substitutes, they appear all at once!

Any idea?

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Nir O. Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 09:12

Nir O.

2 Answers

The native alert() brings the browser to a dead halt. You will not find any third party libraries that do that, because it's not possible.*


I threw together a quick demo of how you can use a single jQuery dialog instead of an alert.

var alertManager = (function() {
    var _queue = [],
        _opts = {
            modal: true,
            autoOpen: false,
            buttons: {
                OK: function ()
                    var next = _queue.shift();
                    if (typeof next === 'string')
        _dialog = $('<div id="alertDialog" title="Alert!"></div>').dialog(_opts),

        _self = {};

    _self.show = function (message) {
        if (_dialog.dialog('isOpen')) {
        else {

    return _self;

$('#clicky').click(function ()
    alertManager.show('alert numero uno');
    alertManager.show('alert #2');
    alertManager.show({foo: 'bar'});
    alertManager.show('last one');

Hot demo action over here →

You could also turn this into a jQuery plugin pretty easily.

*though you could fake it with a while loop that spins while the dialog is open. I do not recommend this.

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Matt Ball Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 17:12

Matt Ball

I found a library a long time ago that solved this problem for alert, prompt, and confirm, it is pretty easy to use:

Demo here: http://labs.abeautifulsite.net/archived/jquery-alerts/demo/

// Usage:
//      jAlert( message, [title, callback] )
//      jConfirm( message, [title, callback] )
//      jPrompt( message, [value, title, callback] )

download here: http://labs.abeautifulsite.net/archived/jquery-alerts/jquery.alerts-1.1.zip

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relipse Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 15:12
