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Flattening nested Observables

I'm a stuck in nested observable hell and could do with a hand.

I have the following block of code

return this.findUser(term).map( users => {
  return users.map( user => this.getLastLogin(user.user_id).map( last_login => {
    user.last_login = last_login;
    return user;

findUser returns Observable<User[]> and getLastLogin returns Observable<number>.

I'm basically hoping to fetch a list of users and then update this with the information from another value.

Right now the code above is returning <Observable<Observable<User>[]>.

I thought I could replace the initial map with flatMap but this turns the object into <Observable<Observable<User>>.

The RxJS documentation is a little hard to decipher so I'm not sure what combination of switch, forkJoin or flatMap will get me to what I need.

I'm hoping to return Observable<User[]>. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

like image 802
user3750194 Avatar asked Nov 06 '16 02:11


People also ask

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You can use concatAll() or mergeAll() without any parameter. This (including mergeMap ) works only in RxJS 5+ because it treats Observables, arrays, array-like objects, Promises, etc. the same way.

What is a flattening operator RxJS?

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Higher-order Observableslink. Observables most commonly emit ordinary values like strings and numbers, but surprisingly often, it is necessary to handle Observables of Observables, so-called higher-order Observables.

1 Answers

Actually, you don't need forkJoin() nor switch() to do this.

In general, you want to update each user in the array of users by another async call.

I'd do it like this:

var source = findUser('term')
    .mergeMap(user => getLastLogin(user.user_id)
        .map(last_login => {
            user.last_login = last_login;
            return user;

source.subscribe(val => console.log(val));

Operator mergeAll() converts a higher-order Observable into single observables. In this case it takes the array of all users and re-emits them one by one. Then mergeMap() emits users updated with the last_login date. At the end I used toArray() to transform single users into one large array that is them emitted as whole (you can remove this operator if you want to emit single users instead).

Note that when you used return users.map(...) you were using Array.map() that returns an array and not map() from RxJS that returns an Observable. I think working with single objects is usually easier that with arrays of objects.

See live demo: https://jsbin.com/naqudun/edit?js,console

This prints to console:

[ { name: 'foo',
    user_id: 42,
    last_login: 2016-11-06T10:28:29.314Z },
  { name: 'bar',
    user_id: 21,
    last_login: 2016-11-06T10:28:29.316Z } ]
like image 120
martin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
