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Javascript + JsDoc: How to document new ES6 datatypes like map?

I'm trying to use JSDoc in my ES6 project, I'm returning a Map:

 * Some documentation.. 
 * @returns {undefined} <- This should be replaced
function returningMap() {
    const someMap = new Map();
    someMap.set("key", {a, b, c});
    return someMap;

How should I document this with @returns?

There is not good answer here.

like image 208
Shikloshi Avatar asked Jul 12 '16 06:07


1 Answers

The answer is simple and beautiful:

 * Some documentation.
 * @return {Map<String, Object>}
function returningMap() {
    const someMap = new Map();
    someMap.set("key", {a, b, c});
    return someMap;

The basic pattern is Map<KeyType, ValueType>. From your example, key would be a string and value an object. You could even go ahead and declare your object as well. For instance:

 * @typedef {Object} MyObject
 * @property {Number} a
 * @property {Number} b
 * @property {String} c

And then your map would be declared as Map<String, MyObject>. Cool, isn't, it? You could also nest other maps or even sets, like Map<Number, Set<MyObject>>.

like image 53
Lucio Paiva Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10

Lucio Paiva