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First or limit in Rails scope

I have the following scope:

scope :user_reviews, lambda { |user| where(:user_id => user) }

I apply this in the controller:

def show
  @review = @reviewable.reviews.user_reviews(current_user).first || Review.new

The first is to limit to search the current user's one and only review. Now I try to write a new scope user_review which I tried many ways to chain the user_reviews scope with first, but just couldn't get it what. Something like this:

scope :user_reviews, lambda { |user| where(:user_id => user) }
scope :user_review, lambda { |user| user_reviews(user).first }

I know the above user_review is wrong, but just trying to show you guys what I am trying to do.

How should I write this properly?


like image 875
Victor Avatar asked Oct 25 '12 14:10


People also ask

How do scopes work in Rails?

Scopes are used to assign complex ActiveRecord queries into customized methods using Ruby on Rails. Inside your models, you can define a scope as a new method that returns a lambda function for calling queries you're probably used to using inside your controllers.

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A default scope is one which is automatically applied to your model.

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Rails Active Records provide an interface and binding between the tables in a relational database and the Ruby program code that manipulates database records. Ruby method names are automatically generated from the field names of database tables.

1 Answers

@Victor, just stick with your original idea. Use scope :user_reviews, lambda { |user| where(:user_id => user) } and call user_reviews.first. Nothing wrong with that.

Definitely do not define a scope that returns a single object. A scope should be chainable.

like image 167
Tom L Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Tom L