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firebase deploy not updating html file, not a cache issue

I'm doing a firebase deploy, but my local file does not match my served file. I have quadrupal checked the file that's in the deployed directory, I've disabled cache, I've hard reloaded, I've navigated directly to the file, I've made additional changes to the file, I've deployed from my local dev machine and from a clean CI server.

I navigate to http://localhost:3000/views/tasks.html and see one html result and then to https://[my-firebase-url]/views/tasks.html and see an older html result for the same file.

I've done firebase deploy --debug and everything is reported as successful and the file count is correct. Is there any additional information I can find out myself? Is there a way to look at the build that's uploaded to firebase mentioned in the debug file?

This has worked every time I've ever done it until now with the same project and file structure. Any way to troubleshoot this would be awesome. Thanks!

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sonicblis Avatar asked Mar 21 '17 02:03


2 Answers

in my case I forgot to build(ng build --prod) the modified project to update the dist folder, which is uploaded on firebase server when deploy

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oleg gabureac Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

oleg gabureac

As the comment by Frank van Puffelencheck mentioned, checking the Firebase status dashboard for the latest information is an additional step to take. If I had done that, I would have seen that the firebase deploy service was having issues at the time.

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sonicblis Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10
