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Firebase Authentication on one account with multiple different emails

I want to create an application that allows you to create an account and link multiple different emails to it. Each email linked to the account would be able to sign into the account. Is this possible with Firebase?

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iamarnold Avatar asked Dec 13 '16 21:12


People also ask

Can you change email in Firebase Auth?

FOR FIREBASE V9 (modular) USERS: if any others trying this code please don't forget to re-login (firebase needs recent login token) firebase user. then only firebase will allow to change email address.

Can you create a user with the same credentials in Firebase?

Firebase account linking allows users to sign into the same account using different authentication providers. By linking the user's Facebook and Twitter credentials, for example, the user can sign into the same account using either sign-in provider.

1 Answers

Do you mean multiple different emails with passwords? or multiple different providers with different emails? You can link multiple federated providers (Google, Facebook, etc) to an existing account even if the emails do not match the currentUser.email. You can link one account per provider as long as this provider is not already linked to another account. As for adding multiple emails for password sign in, that is not supported.

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bojeil Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
