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Firebase custom domain name for database

Can we change domain name to custom domain? for example :

appname.firebaseio.com to appname.mydomain.com

i know we can do it for hosting:

appname.firebaseapp.com to appname.mydomain.com

Just wondering if it can be done for firebase database also.

like image 939
stackNeverFlow Avatar asked May 06 '16 07:05


People also ask

Does firebase give free domain?

By default, every Firebase project has subdomains at no cost on the web. app and firebaseapp.com domains. These two sites serve the same deployed content and configuration.

How do I add a custom domain to my Firebase project?

Make sure that you've completed the "Get Started" wizard from your project's Firebase Hosting pageso that you have a Firebase Hosting site in your Firebase project. Step 1: Add domain From your project's Hosting page, enter the wizard for connecting a custom domain: If you have only one Hosting site, click Connect domain.

How do I add DNS records to Firebase Hosting?

Return to your domain name provider's DNS management site to create DNS A records pointing your page to Firebase Hosting. Add and save records with the following inputs: Type: Add two DNS A records. Host: Enter your custom domain keyfor both records.

What is TXT record type in Firebase Hosting?

Firebase Hosting requires that you keep this TXT record continually present in your DNS settings to prove your ownership of the domain and to authorize Firebase to assign and renew SSL certificates for your site. Your domain provider may list this term as "Record Type". Host: Enter your apex domain key.

How do I connect my apex domain to Firebase?

If requested in the Connect Domainsetup wizard, verify your apex domain. These steps ensure that your domain is not already linked with a Firebase project and that you own the specified domain. In your domain provider's site, locate the DNS management page. Add and save a new record with the following inputs: Type: Add a TXT record.

1 Answers

It is not possible to use your own domain for accessing the Firebase Database.

like image 152
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 10:11

Frank van Puffelen