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filter to retrieve all the JIRA issues where I was mentioned in the last 7 days in a comment




I'm trying to setup a JIRA filter to find all the mentions of me(currentUser()) in the last 7 days. I'm close with the search below, but it still gives me all issues that mentioned me AND were updated in the last 7 days. Which is a lot more. :) I want all the issues where I was mentioned in the last 7 days in a comment.

comment ~ currentUser() AND issueFunction in commented(“after -7d”) 

Thank-you for your help!

like image 768
Christina Avatar asked Aug 18 '15 20:08


2 Answers

Did you try something like this query?

(text ~ currentUser()) AND updatedDate >= -7d ORDER BY updated DESC

It gives me all mentions in the last 7 days. But also mentions in descriptions (found it on the this blog post).

like image 69
grrroby Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10


I use something like this:

(summary ~ currentUser() OR description ~ currentUser() OR comment ~ currentUser()) AND updatedDate >= -7d
like image 26
DzikiMarian Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10
