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JIRA component strategy

I've recently switched to JIRA from another bug tracking system, and previously we were not using the "component" field. The project was pretty small, so it didn't seem to need it at the time. As the project is getting a little bigger, I'm finding that the component field may useful, but I'm not exactly sure of how to split the components.

For example, let's say I have a banking application and I am adding a feature to transfer money between accounts. That feature might be classified as an "Accounts" component, but it also would affect the user interface, as well as have some security issues associated with it. It seems like many issues will have this cross-cutting concern.

Is there a best practice for determining how to divide a project into components? Are things like "User Interface" and "Security" too broad?

I'm not sure this question has a single correct answer, so maybe it should be moved to a community wiki, but any insight people can provide would be helpful here.

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Jeff Storey Avatar asked Sep 08 '11 21:09

Jeff Storey

People also ask

How Should components be used in Jira?

Components can be used to group issues into smaller sub sections, like UI, API, Hardware etc. You could also use it to organize your issues based on customers, areas, functionality etc. I use it to organize tasks base on the tool, its a quick way of for example see all my tasks that I have related to Bitbucket or JIRA.

How do Jira components work?

Jira project components are generic containers for issues. Components can have component Leads: people who are automatically assigned issues with that component. Components add some structure to projects, breaking them up into features, teams, modules, subprojects, and more.

What are components in Jira examples?

What are some Jira components examples? Components can be used to define segments of an app; for example 'UI', 'API', 'security', 'database', and so on. Or they could be used as areas of expertise such as 'systems', 'software' and 'hardware'.

How do I manage a component in Jira?

On the "Components" screen, open the menu in the Actions column for the component you want to edit, and select Edit. Edit the component's Name, Description, Lead, and Default assignee in the Edit component dialog. Select the Save button to save your changes.

2 Answers

Components are most useful if they have obvious default assignees for each one (component leads). Another approach is to wait for a while and use labels. See if there are common labels that your users like to use, and then create components in a few weeks for those labels.

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mdoar Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 21:11


A user creating a bug can add multiple components when reporting the issue. So they could select Account, transfers and security issue (or Loan, Payments, and security issue) as all components effected by a particular bug. Any combination of components can be put together so that the development team knows exactly where this bug is occurring.

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CJ Teuben Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 23:11

CJ Teuben