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FileNotFound when load assembly with dependency to another domain [duplicate]

I'm trying to make application with plugins.

I have MainLib.dll, where I made some commnon interface(let it be ICommon) with 1 method. Then, I made 2 .dlls(plugins) which have reference to MainLib.dll and implement the ICommon in some classes. Also, I removed all the references in this .dlls exept System.

Then, I created an application, which monitors folder ".\\Plugins" and loads all .dlls in newDomain, check if the types in .dll implement ICommon (so this application also reference to MainLib.dll). If yes - add the name of .dll in some list.

And now here the problem: before I tried to load plugins - I load MailLib.dll and System to newDomain because all plugins have dependency of this .dlls. They load correct. Then, I start to load plugins, and here I have:

FileNotFoundException, Could not load file or assembly 'PluginWithException, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.) on string Assembly loadedAssembly = domain.Load(Assembly.LoadFrom(asm).FullName);

PluginWithException assembly has only 2 dependency - System and MainLib. Before I tryied to load PluginWithException I checked assemblies in new domain, System and MainLib were loaded to this domain. So I can't see any ploblems with dependency. I read this topic, and tryed the solution with ProxyDomain but the exception is the same.

What I'm doing wrong?

Here the code:

public static List<string> SearchPlugins(string[] names)
    AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("tmpDomain");
    domain.Load(@"System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");
    MessageBox.Show(GetAssembies(domain)); // here I can see that System and MailLib exist in new domain

    List<string> plugins = new List<string>();

    foreach (string asm in names)
        Assembly loadedAssembly = domain.Load(Assembly.LoadFrom(asm).FullName); // here I have exception

        var theClassTypes = from t in loadedAssembly.GetTypes()
                            where t.IsClass &&
                                  (t.GetInterface("ICommonInterface") != null)
                            select t;
        if (theClassTypes.Count() > 0)
    return plugins;
like image 834
Dima Serdechnyi Avatar asked May 04 '13 23:05

Dima Serdechnyi

1 Answers

You may want to tell the domain where to load your assemblies from:

AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("tmpDomain", null, new AppDomainSetup { ApplicationBase = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Plugins") });

However, I don't see why you are loading assemblies in current (default) domain and also the tmpDomain.

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YK1 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10