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File upload with Activeadmin Rails using paperclip

I use Active admin as my rails application backend. I want to make a file upload. How can I accomplish this functionality?

like image 761
Sebastien Avatar asked Aug 16 '11 12:08


1 Answers

I found a way to use Paperclip with Active Admin.

I added this code in my model "Event" :

has_attached_file :map, :styles => { :medium => "238x238>",                                     :thumb => "100x100>"                                  } 

And i did this for my admin model :

ActiveAdmin.register Event do  form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data" } do |f|    f.inputs "Details" do     f.input :continent     f.input :event_type     f.input :name     f.input :title     f.input :content     f.input :date_start, :as => :date     f.input :date_end, :as => :date     f.input :place     f.input :map, :as => :file     f.input :image, :as => :file, :hint => f.template.image_tag(f.object.image.url(:medium))     f.input :userfull_info     f.input :price     f.input :phone, :as => :phone     f.input :website, :as => :url   end   f.buttons  end end 

To use it on the index page, you have to use :

column "Image" do |event|     link_to(image_tag(event.image.url(:thumb), :height => '100'), admin_event_path(event))   end   default_actions end 
like image 52
Sebastien Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 13:10
