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Force max length for string in PostgreSQL

I am using heroku for a RoR application and am trying to manually set the length of a string column and am having trouble.

I tried making a migration along the lines of

change_column :posts, :content, :string, :length => 10000 

I assumed this would work but no such luck, anyone have some pointers?


like image 648
Jimmy Avatar asked Jun 06 '10 01:06


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1 Answers

The length limit option in Rails migrations is called :limit:

change_column :posts, :content, :string, :limit => 10000 

If you are finding yourself changing VARCHAR length limits a lot, you might want to read @depesz's blog post on VARCHAR vs TEXT.

like image 153
Jason Weathered Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10

Jason Weathered