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File Replication/Synchronization between multiple sites using BitTorrent

I need to build a distributed system which relies on replication of large files between the sites.

I thought of using p2p technology like bittorrent to save on bandwidth, and increase reliability.

Am I terribly wrong?

Have anyone ever architected such a solution?

What libraries do you recommend?

like image 942
Omer Mor Avatar asked Jan 19 '11 18:01

Omer Mor

1 Answers

I just found this open-source project from Twitter which hits the nail perfectly:


From the docs:

Murder is a method of using Bittorrent to distribute files to a large amount of servers within a production environment. This allows for scaleable and fast deploys in environments of hundreds to tens of thousands of servers where centralized distribution systems wouldn't otherwise function. A "Murder" is normally used to refer to a flock of crows, which in this case applies to a bunch of servers doing something.

like image 79
Omer Mor Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10

Omer Mor