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Fiddler Session Object Documentation



Where can I find any documentation on the properties and methods of the Fiddler.Session object? I am creating some custom rules (js) in Fiddler for troubleshooting.

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Chris Hawkins Avatar asked Jul 29 '14 14:07

Chris Hawkins

People also ask

What is a fiddler session?

The Sessions section in Fiddler Everywhere provides the option to save, modify, inspect, encrypt, and share previously captured traffic. The section is part of a collapsable panel that you can hide/show to optimize your working space.

What is FiddlerCore?

FiddlerCore is a . NET class library you can integrate into your . NET applications. FiddlerCore allows you to capture and modify HTTP and HTTPS traffic just like Fiddler, without any of the Fiddler UI.

What language is FiddlerScript?

FiddlerScript is based on JScript.NET, a . NET version of JavaScript, so it's easy for web developers to use, and the syntax is close enough to C# that most . NET developers can write simple rules with little effort.

Where is FiddlerScript?

Fiddler's default rules are stored in \Program Files\Fiddler2\Scripts\SampleRules. js. You can change the JScript editor launched from the Rules menu.

1 Answers

Install the Script Editor and click View > Class Explorer. http://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler/fiddlerscript-editor

Also check out the documentation (hit F1) and the book http://fiddlerbook.com

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EricLaw Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10
