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Fibonacci Series in Assembly x86

Finally after a long session of countless errors , hope this is the final one.

No Compile or runtime errors, Just a logical error.

EDIT: (Fixed Pseudocode)

My Pseudocode:

first  = 1;
second = 1;
third  = 0;

 for i from 1 to n{


return third

This would print the final result of the series.

My Assembly Code:

I have added Comments where ever possible

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

timestell     db "Loop Ran : %d Times -----",0     ;format string
fmtd   db "%d",0
finalprint  db "Final Number is : %d ------",0     ;format string
times  dd 0Ah                                      ;times to loop
first dd 1h
second dd 1h
third dd 0h


retvalue1 dd ?             ;we will initialize it later

include windows.inc
include user32.inc
includelib user32.lib
include kernel32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib MSVCRT
extrn printf:near
extrn exit:near

public main
main proc

         mov ecx, times      ;loop "times" times
         mov eax,0           ;just to store number of times loop ran
      top:                   ;body of loop
         cmp ecx, 0          ;test at top of loop
         je bottom           ;loop exit when while condition false
         add eax,1           ;Just to test number of times loop ran
         mov ebx,first       ;move first into ebx
         add ebx,second      ;add ebx, [ first+second ]
         mov third,ebx       ;Copy result i.e ebx [first+second] to third
         xor ebx,ebx         ;clear for further use
         mov ebx,first       ;move first into ebx
         mov second,ebx      ;copy ebx to second [NOW second=first]
         xor ebx,ebx         ;clear for later use
         mov ebx,third       ;move thirs into ebx
         mov second,ebx      ;copy ebx to third [NOW second=third]
         xor ebx,ebx         ;clear it
         dec ecx             ;decrement loop
         jmp top             ;Loop again

           mov retvalue1,eax       ;store eax into a variable
           push retvalue1          ;pass this variable to printf
           push offset timestell   ;pass Format string to printf    
           call printf             ;Print no.  of times loop ran
           push third              ;push value of third to printf
           push offset finalprint  ;push the format string
           call printf             ;Print the final number

      push 0        ;exit gracefully
      call exit     ;exit system

main endp

end main

The code runs well but the output doesn't satisfies me:

Output: Loop Ran : 10 Times -----Final Number is : 11 ------

First of all i am not really sure that Final number is in decimal or hex form.

  • Assuming it as decimal : Fibonacci Series doesn't have 11
  • Assuming it as hex : Fibonacci Series doesn't have 17 (11 hex = 17 dec)

What am i doing wrong?

like image 874
Idkwhoami Avatar asked Feb 23 '16 14:02


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1 Answers

The problem was that my Actual code was not matching with my Pseudocode which resulted in the Logical error.

This Part

     mov ebx,first       ;move first into ebx
     mov second,ebx      ;copy ebx to second [NOW second=first]

This gives first value of second, but my PseudoCode says "first=second", which means give value of second to first.

     mov ebx,second      ;move second into ebx
     mov first,ebx       ;copy ebx to second [NOW first=second]

Final Working Code for x86 Intel Processor:

For any further referrers , i am posting a working code for x86 intel

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

timestell   db   "Loop Ran : %d Times -----",0          ;format string
finalprint  db   "%d th Fibonacci number is %d",0       ;format string
times       dd   14h                                    ;times to loop
first dd 1h
second dd 1h
third dd 0h

include windows.inc
include user32.inc
includelib user32.lib
include kernel32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib MSVCRT
extrn printf:near
extrn exit:near

public main
main proc

         mov ecx, times       ;set loop counter to "times" time
         sub ecx,2            ;loop times-2 times

         cmp ecx, 0          ; test at top of loop
         je bottom           ; loop exit when while condition false
         xor ebx,ebx         ;Clear ebx
         mov ebx,first       ;move first into ebx
         add ebx,second      ;add ebx, [ first+second ]
         mov third,ebx       ;Copy result i.e ebx [first+second] to third
         xor ebx,ebx         ;clear for further use
         mov ebx,second      ;move second into ebx
         mov first,ebx       ;copy ebx to second [NOW first=second]
         xor ebx,ebx         ;clear for later use
         mov ebx,third       ;move thirs into ebx
         mov second,ebx      ;copy ebx to third [NOW second=third]
         xor ebx,ebx         ;clear it
         dec ecx             ;decrement loop
         jmp top             ;Loop again

        push third
              push times                ;push value of third to printf
              push offset finalprint    ;push the format string
              call printf               ;Print the final number
      push 0        ;exit gracefully
         call exit      ;exit system

    main endp

end main
like image 63
Idkwhoami Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09
