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Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in

For the ZipArchive class to be present, PHP needs to have the zip extension installed.

See this page for installation instructions (both Linux and Windows).

On Amazon ec2 with Ubuntu + nginx + php7, I had the same issues, solved it using:

sudo apt-get install php7.0-zip

On ubuntu desktop, I had to do.

sudo apt-get install php5.6-zip

This installed the library but I still kept on getting the same error, so I had to restart apache using:

sudo service apache2 restart

and it worked.

I'm not seeing it here, so I'd like to add that on Debian/Ubuntu you may need to enable the extension after installing the relative package. So:

sudo apt-get install php-zip
sudo phpenmod zip
sudo service apache2 restart

First of all, The solution for remote server:

If you are using cpanel you may have zip extension installed but not activate. You need to active it. For this case you need to go to cpanel > inside software section > click on PHP version. Then find zip and check it. Now save.

You should see like the image. enter image description here

Refresh page. The error should disappear.

Note: If you dont found, contact server provider. They will install for you.

Centos 6

Or any RHEL-based flavors

yum install php-pecl-zip

service httpd restart

If you have WHM available it is easier.

Log in to WHM.

Go to EasyApache 4 (or whatever version u have) under Software tab.

Under Currently Installed Packages click Customize.

Go to PHP Extensions, in search type "zip" (without quotes),

you should see 3 modules

check all of them,

click blue button few times to finish the process.

This worked for me. Thankfully I've WHM available.