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Fast factorization

For a given number n (we know that n = p^a * q^b, for some prime numbers p,q and some integers a,b) and a given number φ(n) ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_totient_function ) find p,q,a and b.

The catch is that n, and φ(n) have about 200 digits so the algorithm have to be very fast. It seems to be very hard problem and I completely don't know how to use φ(n).

How to approach this?

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xan Avatar asked Apr 27 '12 16:04


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The fastest-known fully proven deterministic algorithm is the Pollard-Strassen method (Pomerance 1982; Hardy et al. 1990).

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How to Find Factors of Large Numbers? To calculate the factors of large numbers, divide the numbers with the least prime number, i.e. 2. If the number is not divisible by 2, move to the next prime numbers, i.e. 3 and so on until 1 is reached. Below is an example to find the factors of a large number.

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Prime factorisation is a method to find the prime factors of a given number, say a composite number. These factors are nothing but the prime numbers. A prime number is a number which has only two factors, i.e. 1 and the number itself. For example, 2 is a prime number which has two factors, 2 × 1.

1 Answers

For n = p^a * q^b, the totient is φ(n) = (p-1)*p^(a-1) * (q-1)*q^(b-1). Without loss of generality, p < q.

So gcd(n,φ(n)) = p^(a-1) * q^(b-1) if p does not divide q-1 and gcd(n,φ(n)) = p^a * q^(b-1) if p divides q-1.

In the first case, we have n/gcd(n,φ(n)) = p*q and φ(n)/gcd(n,φ(n)) = (p-1)*(q-1) = p*q + 1 - (p+q), thus you have x = p*q = n/gcd(n,φ(n)) and y = p+q = n/gcd(n,φ(n)) + 1 - φ(n)/gcd(n,φ(n)). Then finding p and q is simple: y^2 - 4*x = (q-p)^2, so q = (y + sqrt(y^2 - 4*x))/2, and p = y-q. Then finding the exponents a and b is trivial.

In the second case, n/gcd(n,φ(n)) = q. Then you can easily find the exponent b, dividing by q until the division leaves a remainder, and thus obtain p^a. Dividing φ(n) by (q-1)*q^(b-1) gives you z = (p-1)*p^(a-1). Then p^a - z = p^(a-1) and p = p^a/(p^a-z). Finding the exponent a is again trivial.

So it remains to decide which case you have. You have case 2 if and only if n/gcd(n,φ(n)) is a prime.

For that, you need a decent primality test. Or you can first suppose that you have case 1, and if that doesn't work out, conclude that you have case 2.

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Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10

Daniel Fischer