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Rules matching given an input (algorithm)

Let's suppose I have the following categories (with their possible values):

animal: any, cat, dog
color: any, white, black, gray
gender: any, male, female

or more generally...

category: <array of values>

(1) Let's say I have a set of configurable rules like:

when animal is any, color is gray, gender is male, call x
when animal is dog, color is gray, gender is male, call y
when animal is any, color is any, gender is any, call z

(2) And some input values.

Q. Is there an algorithm that solves the problem of finding a matching rule (with a priority given to the most specific rule found) according to the input given?


input (animal:dog, color:gray, gender:male)

it would call "y"


input (color:gray, gender:female)

it would call "z"

Is the more appropriate way to do it is building a search tree based on the rules (each level of the tree being a category)?


- any animal
  - any color
    - any gender => z
  - gray
     - male => x
- dog
  - gray
     - male => y

Is there a better way of doing it?


like image 331
Mike Gleason jr Couturier Avatar asked Jan 12 '12 20:01

Mike Gleason jr Couturier

People also ask

What is the algorithm for matching?

Matching algorithms are algorithms used to solve graph matching problems in graph theory. A matching problem arises when a set of edges must be drawn that do not share any vertices. Graph matching problems are very common in daily activities.

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The so-called naive or brute force algorithm is the most intuitive approach to the string pattern-matching problem. This algorithm attempts simply to match the pattern in the target at successive positions from left to right.

What are matching rules?

A matching rule defines how duplicate records are identified in duplicate rules and duplicate jobs. Salesforce provides standard matching rules for business and person accounts, contacts, and leads. You can also create custom matching rules.

What is pattern matching algorithm explain with example?

Pattern matching algorithms are the algorithms that are used to figure out whether a specific string pattern occurs in a string text. Two of the most widely used pattern matching algorithms are the Naive Algorithm for pattern matching and the pattern matching algorithm using finite automata.

2 Answers

I would hash the rules into a map and then look up with same hash.

map[hash(animal, color, gender)] = function to call

call map[hash(inputanimal, inputcolor, inputgender)]

This would ensure faster creation of rules and resolution of the correct function to call based on input.

If the rule must be matched exactly or else fall to the generic any,any,any then it is simply done by:

if map.contains(hash(inAnimal, inColour, inGender)) 
   x = map[hash(inAnimal, inColour, inGender)]
   x = map[hash(any, any, any)]

Otherwise if it starts with the input and successively selects the any rule on each parameter then you could do this.

Have the hash function accept an array of values. When you try to match a rule, you start with the input, and then successively switch each to any, until you find a match.

def key hash(array[])


resolution process...

input[] = {inAnimal, inColour, inGender}
function x
for(i = 0 to input.size) {
   if(map.contains(hash(input)) {
      x = map[hash(input)]
   input[i] = any
call x
like image 106
Adrian Regan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Adrian Regan

A decision tree with following modifications would work:

  1. Create the decision tree in normal way with 'any' as edges using all the rules
  2. While traversing recursively, traverse to both 'value' and 'any' and keep track of number 'any's in each solution, return the one with minimum 'any's

    def traverse(values, level, tree,anyCount): If tree is is a leaf: return (appr_func, anyCount)

    v1 = None
    if values[level] in tree:
        v1 = traverse(values, level+1, tree[values[level]]], anyCount)
    v2 = None
    if 'any' in tree:
        v2 = traverse(values, level+1, tree['any'], anyCount+1)
    if v1!=None:
        if v2!=None:
            if v1[1]<v2[1]:
                return v1
                return v2
            return v1
    elif v2!=None:
        return v2
        return None
like image 38
ElKamina Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
