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Fast bounding of data in R

Suppose I have a vector, vec, which is long (starting at 1E8 entries) and would like to bound it to the range [a,b]. I can certainly code vec[vec < a] = a and vec[vec > b] = b, but this requires two passes over the data and a large RAM allocation for the temporary indicator vector (~800MB, twice). The two passes burn time because we can do better if we copy data from main memory to the local cache just once (calls to main memory are bad, as are cache misses). And who knows how much this could be improved with multiple threads, but let's not get greedy. :)

Is there a nice implementation in base R or some package that I'm overlooking, or is this a job for Rcpp (or my old friend data.table)?

like image 514
Iterator Avatar asked May 06 '12 20:05


People also ask

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Why is my R code so slow?

Beyond performance limitations due to design and implementation, it has to be said that a lot of R code is slow simply because it's poorly written. Few R users have any formal training in programming or software development. Fewer still write R code for a living.

2 Answers

A naive C solution is


fun4 <-
    cfunction(c(x="numeric", a="numeric", b="numeric"), body4,
body4 <- "
    R_len_t len = Rf_length(x);
    SEXP result = Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, len);
    const double aa = REAL(a)[0], bb = REAL(b)[0], *xp = REAL(x);
    double *rp = REAL(result);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        if (xp[i] < aa)
            rp[i] = aa;
        else if (xp[i] > bb)
            rp[i] = bb;
            rp[i] = xp[i];

    return result;
fun4 <-
    cfunction(c(x="numeric", a="numeric", b="numeric"), body4,

With a simple parallel version (as Dirk points out, this is with CFLAGS = -fopenmp in ~/.R/Makevars, and on a platform / compiler supporting openmp)

body5 <- "
    R_len_t len = Rf_length(x);
    const double aa = REAL(a)[0], bb = REAL(b)[0], *xp = REAL(x);
    SEXP result = Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, len);
    double *rp = REAL(result);

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        if (xp[i] < aa)
            rp[i] = aa;
        else if (xp[i] > bb)
            rp[i] = bb;
            rp[i] = xp[i];

    return result;
fun5 <-
    cfunction(c(x="numeric", a="numeric", b="numeric"), body5,

And benchmarks

> z <- runif(1e7)
> benchmark(fun1(z,0.25,0.75), fun4(z, .25, .75), fun5(z, .25, .75),
+           replications=10)
                 test replications elapsed  relative user.self sys.self
1 fun1(z, 0.25, 0.75)           10   9.087 14.609325     8.335    0.739
2 fun4(z, 0.25, 0.75)           10   1.505  2.419614     1.305    0.198
3 fun5(z, 0.25, 0.75)           10   0.622  1.000000     2.156    0.320
  user.child sys.child
1          0         0
2          0         0
3          0         0
> identical(res1 <- fun1(z,0.25,0.75), fun4(z,0.25,0.75))
[1] TRUE
> identical(res1, fun5(z, 0.25, 0.75))
[1] TRUE

on my quad-core laptop. Assumes numeric input, no error checking, NA handling, etc.

like image 196
Martin Morgan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Martin Morgan

Just to start things off: not much difference between your solution and the pmin/pmax solution (trying things out with n=1e7 rather than n=1e8 because I'm impatient) -- pmin/pmax is actually marginally slower.

fun1 <- function(x,a,b) {x[x<a] <- a; x[x>b] <- b; x}
fun2 <- function(x,a,b) pmin(pmax(x,a),b)
z <- runif(1e7)


                 test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
1 fun1(z, 0.25, 0.75)           10  21.607  1.00000     6.556   15.001
2 fun2(z, 0.25, 0.75)           10  23.336  1.08002     5.656   17.605
like image 27
Ben Bolker Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Ben Bolker