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facebook chat in delphi? [closed]

I want to connect to facebook chat from my delphi application , change the status message or post something on the wall? Do u know any way i can acomplish this ?

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opc0de Avatar asked Nov 29 '10 16:11


2 Answers

If you want to connect to Facebook Chat with Delphi, check out this XMPP library for Delphi. Facebook chat uses XMPP as its communication protocol.

If what you want is change your Facebook status or post some stuff to the wall, you need to use Facebook API through Delphi. Maybe taking a look al Delphibook might help.

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Pablo Santa Cruz Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Pablo Santa Cruz

Face book chat uses the XMPP or Jabber Protocol

Other Similar questions on SO

  • jabber-xmpp-library-for-delphi-7
  • any-complete-library-for-jabber-in-delphi

Exodus is what we plan on trying in house, http://code.google.com/p/exodus/

As For Posting things on the wall, i think you have to register with Facebook to use the Facebook API

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Christopher Chase Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Christopher Chase