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Extracting record from big endian data

I have the following code for network protocol implementation. As the protocol is big endian, I wanted to use the Bit_Order attribute and High_Order_First value but it seems I made a mistake.

With Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with System; use System;

procedure Bit_Extraction is

   type Byte is range 0 .. (2**8)-1 with Size => 8;

   type Command is (Read_Coils,
                   ) with Size => 7;

   for Command use (Read_Coils => 1,
                    Read_Discrete_Inputs => 4);

   type has_exception is new Boolean with Size => 1;

    type Frame is record
      Function_Code : Command;
      Is_Exception : has_exception := False;
   end record
     with Pack => True,
     Size => 8;

   for Frame use
         Function_Code at 0 range 0 .. 6;
         Is_Exception at 0 range 7 .. 7;
      end record;

   for Frame'Bit_Order use High_Order_First;
   for Frame'Scalar_Storage_Order use High_Order_First;

   function To_Frame is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Byte, Frame);

   my_frame : Frame;
   my_frame := To_Frame (Byte'(16#32#)); -- Big endian version of 16#4#
   Put_Line (Command'Image (my_frame.Function_Code)
             & " "
             & has_exception'Image (my_frame.Is_Exception));
end Bit_Extraction;

Compilation is ok but the result is

raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : bit_extraction.adb:39 invalid data

What did I forget or misunderstand ?


The real record in fact is

type Frame is record
      Transaction_Id : Transaction_Identifier;
      Protocol_Id : Word := 0;
      Frame_Length : Length;
      Unit_Id : Unit_Identifier;
      Function_Code : Command;
      Is_Exception : Boolean := False;    
end record with Size => 8 * 8, Pack => True;

for Frame use
         Transaction_Id at 0 range 0 .. 15;
         Protocol_Id at 2 range 0 .. 15;
         Frame_Length at 4 range 0 .. 15;
         Unit_id at 6 range 0 .. 7;
         Function_Code at 7 range 0 .. 6;
         Is_Exception at 7 range 7 .. 7;
      end record;

Where Transaction_Identifier, Word and Length are 16-bit wide.

These ones are displayed correctly if I remove the Is_Exception field and extend Function_Code to 8 bits.

The dump of the frame to decode is as following:

00000000  00 01 00 00 00 09 11 03  06 02 2b 00 64 00 7f

So my only problem is really to extract the 8th bit of the last byte.

like image 335
Frédéric Praca Avatar asked Jun 18 '19 19:06

Frédéric Praca

People also ask

How is big-endian data stored?

Big-endian is an order in which the "big end" (most significant value in the sequence) is stored first, at the lowest storage address. Little-endian is an order in which the "little end" (least significant value in the sequence) is stored first.

How do you measure endianness?

If it is little-endian, it would be stored as “01 00 00 00”. The program checks the first byte by dereferencing the cptr pointer. If it equals to 0, it means the processor is big-endian(“00 00 00 01”), If it equals to 1, it means the processor is little-endian (“01 00 00 00”).

Does x86 use big-endian or little-endian?

The x86 processors use little-endian byte ordering. The least significant byte (LSB) of an integer is stored at the lowest address of the integer. The most significant byte is stored at the highest address for data items in this processor.

Is big-endian read left to right?

A big-endian representation has a multibyte integer written with its most significant byte on the left; a number represented thus is easily read by English-speaking humans. A little-endian representation, on the other hand, places the most significant byte on the right.

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4 Answers


    for Frame use
         Transaction_Id at 0 range 0 .. 15;
         Protocol_Id at 2 range 0 .. 15;
         Frame_Length at 4 range 0 .. 15;
         Unit_id at 6 range 0 .. 7;
         Function_Code at 7 range 0 .. 6;
         Is_Exception at 7 range 7 .. 7;
      end record;

It seems you want Is_Exception to be the the LSB of the last byte? With for Frame'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First; the LSB will be bit 7,

(also, 16#32# will never be -- Big endian version of 16#4#, the bit pattern just doesn't match)

It may be more intuitive and clear to specify all of your fields relative to the word they're in, rather than the byte:

         Unit_ID at 6 range 0..7;
         Function_Code at 6 range 8 .. 14;
         Is_Exception at 6 range 15 .. 15;

Given the definition of Command above, the legal values for the last byte will then be:


BTW, by applying your update to your original program, and adding/changing the following, you program works for me


    with Interfaces;


    type Byte_Array is array(1..8) of Byte with Pack;

change, since we don't know the definition

    Transaction_ID : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
    Protocol_ID : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; 
    Frame_Length : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
    Unit_ID : Interfaces.Unsigned_8;


    function To_Frame is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Byte_Array, Frame);


    my_frame := To_Frame (Byte_Array'(00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 09, 16#11#, 16#9#));
like image 101
egilhh Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 15:11


I finally found what was wrong.

In fact, the Modbus Ethernet Frame definition mentioned that, in case of exception, the returned code should be the function code plus 128 (0x80) (see explanation on Wikipedia). That's the reason why I wanted to represent it through a Boolean value but my representation clauses were wrong.

The correct clauses are these ones :

   for Frame use
         Transaction_Id at 0 range 0 .. 15;
         Protocol_Id at 2 range 0 .. 15;
         Frame_Length at 4 range 0 .. 15;
         Unit_id at 6 range 0 .. 7;
         Is_Exception at 6 range 8 .. 8;
         Function_Code at 6 range 9 .. 15;
      end record;

This way, the Modbus network protocol is correctly modelled (or not but at least, my code is working).

I really thank egilhh and simonwright for making me find what was wrong and explain the semantics behind the aspects.

Obviously, I don't know who reward :)

like image 31
Frédéric Praca Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 16:11

Frédéric Praca

Your original record declaration works fine (GNAT complains about the Pack, warning: pragma Pack has no effect, no unplaced components). The problem is with working out the little-endian Byte.

| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |    BE bit numbers
| c   c   c   c   c   c   c | e |
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |    LE bit numbers

so if you want the Command to be Read_Discrete_Inputs, the Byte needs to have BE bit 4 (LE bit 3) set i.e. LE 16#8#.

like image 28
Simon Wright Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 17:11

Simon Wright

Take a look at this AdaCore post on bit order and byte order to see how they handle it. After reading that, you will probably find that the bit order of your frame value is really 16#08#, which probably is not what you are expecting.

Big Endian / Little Endian typically refers to Byte order rather than bit order, so when you see that Network protocols are Big Endian, they mean Byte order. Avoid setting Bit_Order for your records. In modern systems, you will almost never need that.

Your record is only one byte in size, so byte order won't matter for it by itself. Byte order comes into play when you have larger field values (>8 bits long).

like image 29
Jere Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 15:11
