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Dynamic dispatching in Ada



I am having trouble getting dynamic dispatching to work, even with this simple example. I believe the problem is in how i have set up the types and methods, but cannot see where!

with Ada.Text_Io;
procedure Simple is

   type Animal_T is abstract tagged null record;

   type Cow_T is new Animal_T with record
      Dairy : Boolean;
   end record;

   procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Cow_T) is
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line ("Cow");
   end Go_To_Vet;

   type Cat_T is new Animal_T with record
      Fur : Boolean;
   end record;

   procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Cat_T)
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line ("Cat");
   end Go_To_Vet;

   A_Cat : Cat_T := (Animal_T with Fur => True);
   A_Cow : Cow_T := (Animal_T with Dairy => False);
   Aa : Animal_T'Class := A_Cat;

   Go_To_Vet (Aa); -- ERROR This doesn't dynamically dispatch!
end Simple;
like image 392
NWS Avatar asked May 07 '11 10:05


People also ask

What is meant by dynamic dispatch?

In computer science, dynamic dispatch is the process of selecting which implementation of a polymorphic operation (method or function) to call at run time. It is commonly employed in, and considered a prime characteristic of, object-oriented programming (OOP) languages and systems.

Does Ada support polymorphism?

Ada supports inheritance and polymorphism, providing the programmer some effective techniques and building blocks.

What is class in Ada?

Unlike many other OOP languages, Ada differentiates between a reference to a specific tagged type, and a reference to an entire tagged type hierarchy. While Root is used to mean a specific type, Root'Class — a class-wide type — refers to either that type or any of its descendants.

2 Answers

Two things:

The first is that you have to have an abstract specification of Go_To_Vet, so that delegation can take place (this has caught me a couple times as well :-):

procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Animal_T) is abstract;

And the second is that Ada requires the parent definition be in its own package:

package Animal is

   type Animal_T is abstract tagged null record;

   procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Animal_T) is abstract;

end Animal;

The type definitions in your Simple procedure then need to be adjusted accordingly (here I just withed and used the Animal package to keep it simple):

with Ada.Text_Io;
with Animal; use Animal;
procedure Simple is

   type Cow_T is new Animal_T with record
      Dairy : Boolean;
   end record;

   procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Cow_T) is
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line ("Cow");
   end Go_To_Vet;

   type Cat_T is new Animal_T with record
      Fur : Boolean;
   end record;

   procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Cat_T)
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line ("Cat");
   end Go_To_Vet;

   A_Cat : Cat_T := (Animal_T with Fur => True);
   A_Cow : Cow_T := (Animal_T with Dairy => False);
   Aa : Animal_T'Class := A_Cat;

   Go_To_Vet (Aa); -- ERROR This doesn't dynamically dispatch! DOES NOW!!  :-)
end Simple;


[17] Marc say: gnatmake -gnat05 simple
gcc -c -gnat05 simple.adb
gcc -c -gnat05 animal.ads
gnatbind -x simple.ali
gnatlink simple.ali

And finally:

[18] Marc say: ./simple
like image 63
Marc C Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 07:10

Marc C

how to assign A_Cow to Aa ? (Aa := A_Cow; complains!)

You can't and shouldn't. Although they share a common base class, they are two different types. By comparison to Java, an attempt to convert a cat to a cow would cause a ClassCastException at run time. Ada precludes the problem at compile time, much as a Java generic declaration does.

I've expanded @Marc C's example to show how you can invoke base class subprograms. Note the use of prefixed notation in procedure Simple.

Addendum: As you mention class wide programming, I should add a few points related to the example below. In particular, class wide operations, such as Get_Weight and Set_Weight, are not inherited, but the prefixed notation makes them available. Also, these subprograms are rather contrived, as the tagged record components are accessible directly, e.g. Tabby.Weight.

package Animal is

   type Animal_T is abstract tagged record
      Weight : Integer := 0;
   end record;

   procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Animal_T) is abstract;
   function  Get_Weight (A : in Animal_T'Class) return Natural;
   procedure Set_Weight (A : in out Animal_T'Class; W : in Natural);

end Animal;

package body Animal is

   function Get_Weight (A : in Animal_T'Class) return Natural is
      return A.Weight;
   end Get_Weight;

   procedure Set_Weight (A : in out Animal_T'Class; W : in Natural) is
      A.Weight := W;
   end Set_Weight;

end Animal;

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Animal; use Animal;
procedure Simple is

   type Cat_T is new Animal_T with record
      Fur : Boolean;
   end record;

   procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Cat_T)
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line ("Cat");
   end Go_To_Vet;

   type Cow_T is new Animal_T with record
      Dairy : Boolean;
   end record;

   procedure Go_To_Vet (A : in out Cow_T) is
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line ("Cow");
   end Go_To_Vet;

   A_Cat : Cat_T := (Weight => 5, Fur => True);
   A_Cow : Cow_T := (Weight => 200, Dairy => False);
   Tabby : Animal_T'Class := A_Cat;
   Bossy : Animal_T'Class := A_Cow;

   Go_To_Vet (Tabby);
   Put_Line (Tabby.Get_Weight'Img);
   Go_To_Vet (Bossy);
   Put_Line (Bossy.Get_Weight'Img);
   -- feed Bossy
   Bossy.Set_Weight (210);
   Put_Line (Bossy.Get_Weight'Img);
end Simple;
like image 33
trashgod Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 06:10
