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Exposing Large Data Models via OData and WebAPI

I have an EF model with about 200 tables, 75 of which I'd like to expose via REST in an MVC app. I started by adding a WCF Data Service (WCF-DS), pointed it to the EF context, and bam, I had the entire database mapped to REST URI's with full OData syntax support in about 2 minutes.

Next I tried to create the same REST URI space with WebAPI. When I tried to add a WebAPI OData Controller the first thing it asks for was a Model Class and when I was done creating the controller (and copying all the required ODataConventionModelBuilder code into the WebApiConfig) I only had one REST endpoint! My impression now is that WebAPI is not well suited to expose entire EF models with a lot of brute force.

So my questions:

  1. Am I missing a way to map a bunch of WebAPI endpoints to a EF model in one fell swoop?

    (Maybe T4 templates that build all the WebAPI code when I generate my EF model??)

  2. Are there any compelling reasons to consider WebAPI vs WCF-DS to expose large URI domains?

    (Some say that the benefits of WebAPI are to have fine grained control over each and every MVC/HTTP request but that seems counter-productive if the goal is to conform to the OData spec. I'm not sure I want to have 75 controllers and 1000's of lines of code that would tempt my dev colleagues to change one entity's behavior that would result in different behavior from other entities.)

    (For cross cutting concerns such as security, caching, or performance throttling WCF-DS seems to have sufficient configure-ability with Interceptors and its DataServiceConfiguration class. Are there any features of WebAPI that would do better here?)


Update: I found this article by Julie Lermon that helps a bit: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dn201742.aspx

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sisdog Avatar asked Jan 02 '14 05:01


People also ask

What is the use of OData in Web API?

The Open Data Protocol (OData) is a data access protocol for the web. OData provides a uniform way to query and manipulate data sets through CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete). ASP.NET Web API supports both v3 and v4 of the protocol.

Which OData query does Web API support?

Web API Support for OData Queries The following OData query options are commonly used and are supported by Web API: $top : Can be used to retrieve top n records from a data store. $orderby : Can be used to sort the data in ascending or descending order. $filter : Can be used to filter the data based on some condition.

Is OData secure?

The fact is that using OData is orthogonal to authentication and authorization. That is to say, you may secure an OData API in any way you can secure a generic RESTful API.

How do I enable OData in Web API?

Right click on the Controllers folder > Add > Controller> selecting Web API 2 OData v3 Controller with actions, using Entity Framework > click Add. After clicking on Add button, window will pop up, as shown below. We need to specify our Model class (in this case Employee. cs) and name for our Controller.

2 Answers

Since I have only exposed EF model using WCF DS, I can't comment on Web API questions. But we never really had a reason to replace WCF DS with Web API for our model because as you also noticed, EF and WCF DS play so nicely together that you basically get an OData feed for free. On a client side the situation is different: we started with WCF Data Services Client that is trying to mimic Linq to Entity Framework, but is has so many limitations that I ended up writing my own OData client (you can read about what made us unhappy with WCF DS client part here).

Coming back to server side: our domain was large, we had 80+ tables with almost 1000 columns. And we even supported all CRUD operations using batch updates (OData analog of transactions). While I would recommend to think twice before exposing database record update operations over OData protocol due to design principles, we haven't had any technical issues with that approach.

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Vagif Abilov Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 20:10

Vagif Abilov

It is my opinion that Web API + OData extensions is highly overrated for a large majority or use-cases, and my argument is that OData is fundamentally data-oriented while Web API has come to become a great fit for general-purpose APIs, which include service-oriented APIs.

Your use-case is, I believe, a prime example of a very data-oriented layer since you don't seem to want to add much domain logic on this tier (server-side of this HTTP API). And WCF-DS works great for that, especially if you're merely wrapping an EF model which does 90% of the work for you (as you've already observed).

Of course it would be a different story if you were modeling more intricate processes at that layer (in that tier), so exploring both options like you did is always a very good idea. Normally the obvious choice should come naturally, either you'll be writing a lot of redundant code with Web API (go with WCF-DS) or you'll be fighting with WCF-DS's very rigid framework by playing with odd entities and not-very-RESTful OData actions (go with Web API alone).

Web API with its OData extensions stands somewhere in the middle, although it's not always clear what advantages it provides over custom WCF-DS providers. I guess it's nice for people who already know Web API or ASP.NET MVC, and may be a requirement if you want open source. I personally wouldn't debate on this technology with technical arguments, except for the few gotchas one should know about (but which have nothing to do with its design). I've ranted about all of this a while ago, should you want more, but I stress again that there are no hard truths in any of this -- discussing architecture and design is in no-trivial proportions a matter of opinions.

Update: WCF-DS was killed.

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tne Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 19:10
