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Exporting JSON to environment variables

If I have a JSON like this,

{     "hello1": "world1",     "testk": "testv" } 

And I want to export each of these key-value pairs as environment variables, how to do it via shell script? So for example, when I write on the terminal, echo $hello1, world1 should be printed and similarly for other key-value pairs? Note: The above JSON is present in a variable called $values and not in a file.

I know it will be done via jq and written a shell script for this, but it doesn't work.

for row in $(echo "${values}" | jq -r '.[]'); do     -jq() {         echo ${row} | jq -r ${1}     }     echo $(_jq '.samplekey') done 
like image 675
Qirohchan Avatar asked Jan 30 '18 02:01


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You have to wrap the environment variable of choice into another set of quotes in order for it to be valid JSON.

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Export Environment Variable Export is a built-in shell command for Bash that is used to export an environment variable to allow new child processes to inherit it. To export a environment variable you run the export command while setting the variable. export MYVAR="my variable value"

Can I use variable in JSON file?

Variables exist in memory/code only, and a variable can be written to JSON format in a file for example, but with the risk of sounding "blunt" IMHO, your question doesn't make much sense at this point. If you elaborate a little more on what you want to achieve in your application, I might be able to help you better.

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export is a bash builtin; VAR=whatever is bash syntax. env , on another hand, is a program in itself. When env is called, following things happen: The command env gets executed as a new process.

1 Answers

Borrowing from this answer which does all of the hard work of turning the JSON into key=value pairs, you could get these into the environment by looping over the jq output and exporting them:

for s in $(echo $values | jq -r "to_entries|map(\"\(.key)=\(.value|tostring)\")|.[]" ); do     export $s done 

If the variables being loaded contain embedded whitespace, this is also reasonable, if slightly more complex:

while read -rd $'' line do     export "$line" done < <(jq -r <<<"$values" \          'to_entries|map("\(.key)=\(.value)\u0000")[]') 
like image 59
Turn Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 17:09
