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Expandable table rows in angular 4 with angular material

How would you make rows expandable in angular material tables? One requirement is that I need to be using the angular material table. I would also prefer to use the material accordion to the information provided here.

I want to click on row and show different information for each column. Im looking for something like below. If you click on row 1, rows 2 and 3 appear with different data.

enter image description here

like image 681
Simon Avatar asked Sep 08 '17 20:09


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1 Answers

As mentioned here by Andrew Seguin this is already feasible out of the box: using the when predicate.

See this example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-material-expandable-table-rows (thx to Lakston)


Inside of the mat-table tag you have to use the mat-row component with a matRipple directive. When you click on a row the row element will be assigned to the expandedElement variable:

<mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns;"         matRipple          class="element-row"          [class.expanded]="expandedElement == row"         (click)="expandedElement = row"> </mat-row> 

But now we have to add our expanded row, that is hidden by default and will be shown if the user clicks on the row above:

<mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: ['expandedDetail']; when: isExpansionDetailRow"         [@detailExpand]="row.element == expandedElement ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'"         style="overflow: hidden">  </mat-row> 

Important is here the already mentioned when predicate. This calls a isExpansionDetailRow function that is defined in the component itself and checks if the row has a detailRow property:

isExpansionDetailRow = (row: any) => row.hasOwnProperty('detailRow'); 

Since RC0 the first param is the index:

isExpansionDetailRow = (i: number, row: any) => row.hasOwnProperty('detailRow'); 

If you want to have an expanded view for every row, you have to add an "ExpansionDetailRow" identified by the detailRow property for every row like this:

connect(): Observable<Element[]> {     const rows = [];     data.forEach(element => rows.push(element, { detailRow: true, element }));     return Observable.of(rows); } 

If you would log the rows variable to the console output, it will look like this:

console output


Mat Table expandable rows (sorting, pagination and filtering)

like image 77
Philipp Kief Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Philipp Kief