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expand_grid with identical vectors






Is there a simple way to get all combinations of two (or more) identical vectors. But only show unique combinations.

Reproducible example:


x = 1:3

expand_grid(a = x, 
            b = x, 
            c = x)

# A tibble: 27 x 3
       a     b     c
   <int> <int> <int>
 1     1     1     1
 2     1     1     2
 3     1     1     3
 4     1     2     1
 5     1     2     2
 6     1     2     3
 7     1     3     1
 8     1     3     2
 9     1     3     3
10     2     1     1
# ... with 17 more rows

But, if row 1 2 1 exists, then I do not want to see 1 1 2 or 2 1 1. I.e. show only unique combinations of the three vectors (any order).

like image 419
Freddie J. Heather Avatar asked Sep 09 '21 05:09

Freddie J. Heather

People also ask

How do I get unique combinations in R?

To find the unique pair combinations of an R data frame column values, we can use combn function along with unique function.

What does expand grid do in R?

expand. grid() function in R Language is used to create a data frame with all the values that can be formed with the combinations of all the vectors or factors passed to the function as argument.

What is the use of Expand grid () function in Tidyverse package?

The function expand. grid() creates a data frame with all possible combinations of vectors or factors given as arguments.

What is the expand grid() function in R?

What is the expand.grid () function? It is a function in R’s Base system, meaning that it is already there when you install R for the first time, and does not even require any additional package to be installed. From the function’s documentation, it “Create a Data Frame from All Combinations of Factor Variables”.

What is the difference between expand grid and combination functions?

The expand.grid function returns the Cartesian product which is fundamentally different. The Cartesian product operates on multiple objects which may or may not be the same. Generally speaking, combination functions are applied to a single vector.

What is the use of expand grid in Python?

‘expand.grid’ from the base package is a useful function in its own right, most well-known perhaps for its use in generating hyperparameter tuning grids in machine learning models. ‘expand.grid’ produces a data frame in columns rather than a matrix in rows like ‘combn’.

What does the function expand_grid() do in tidyr?

From the function’s documentation, it “Create a Data Frame from All Combinations of Factor Variables”. There is also a more recent adaptation of it into a tidyr::expand_grid () one, which takes care of some annoying side effects, and also allows expanding data.frames.

3 Answers

x = 1:3
df <- as.data.frame(combinations(n=3,r=3,v=x,repeats.allowed=T))


  V1 V2 V3
1   1  1  1
2   1  1  2
3   1  1  3
4   1  2  2
5   1  2  3
6   1  3  3
7   2  2  2
8   2  2  3
9   2  3  3
10  3  3  3
like image 185
Daman deep Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Daman deep

You can just sort rowwise and remove duplicates. Continuing from your expand_grid(), then

df <- tidyr::expand_grid(a = x, 
            b = x, 
            c = x)

data.frame(unique(t(apply(df, 1, sort))))

   X1 X2 X3
1   1  1  1
2   1  1  2
3   1  1  3
4   1  2  2
5   1  2  3
6   1  3  3
7   2  2  2
8   2  2  3
9   2  3  3
10  3  3  3
like image 33
Sotos Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11


Using comboGeneral from the RcppAlgos package, it's implemented in C++ and pretty fast.

x <- 1:3
RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(x, repetition=TRUE)
#       [,1] [,2] [,3]
#  [1,]    1    1    1
#  [2,]    1    1    2
#  [3,]    1    1    3
#  [4,]    1    2    2
#  [5,]    1    2    3
#  [6,]    1    3    3
#  [7,]    2    2    2
#  [8,]    2    2    3
#  [9,]    2    3    3
# [10,]    3    3    3

Note: If you're running Linux, you will need gmp installed, e.g. for Ubuntu do:

sudo apt install libgmp3-dev
like image 23
jay.sf Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
