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Executing functions depending on a variable's value - C++

I am working on a transliteration tool. I have two modules lexer and translator. Lexer generates tokens out of the input text. Depending on the current language chosen, I have to call appropriate translation routine.

I have came up with couple of ideas to do this. First one is to create a base class something called base_translator and provide virtual method (translate()) which every translators has to override. Now create a factory translator_factory and call create() with the language name. This factory will return appropriate instance.

But this seems to be over engineering. So I came up with another approach where I have a struct like the following.

struct translator
    const char* name;
    void (*fp)();

Which just keeps a language name and a function pointer who can process it. Usage will be,

static translator translators[] = {
    {"first", first},
    {"second", second}
const char* language = /* */; 
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    translator *t = translators + i;
    if(strcmp(t->name, language) == 0) {

This approach is very simple and easy to maintain. But I wonder, is this the best approach to the problem? Do you have any suggestions to make this better?

Any help would be great.

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Navaneeth K N Avatar asked Mar 06 '10 14:03

Navaneeth K N

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1 Answers

This is typically a blessed use-case for abstract classes and virtual functions. I don't get why you think of it as "over-engineering".... o_O

The point is to define a contract so that your code is extensible easily, and the "main code" doesn't have to worry about the actual implementation details.

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Romain Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 16:10
